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freamwork vs 7-day creation
送交者: mean 2009月04月20日21:54:55 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Framework Interpretation简析无句 于 2009-04-20 19:50:25
The order of creation is, according to framework theory, shown according to its individual categories to the inspired writer. The first 3 days to set the stage, the second 3 days to put in the inhabitants. Therefore, allegorical or not, we know that, at least from the point of view of the inspired writer, that was the order he saw, an order that affirms to him that God was the creator of all, and there was nothing was not created by Him. With the completion of all 3 stages and all 3 inhabitants (note the word all), God rests on the seventh day. (And note what the numbers 3 and 7 mean to the Israelites.)

Now let's suppose the theory of evolution is accurate, and imagine that Moses he had seen the evolution of plants and animals instead. Apart from being bewildered by a bunch of animals, some adorable and others monstrous, and confused by strange plants, some small and other huge, what more would he have gained? and what disorderly and copious account would he have written that genesis story, and miss the whole point of the Bible?

Therefore, framework theory does not contradict, nor does it follow a literal seven-day creation. It is, simply put, independent of a literal seven-day creation.
  anyway - mean 04/20/09 (232)
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