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Wait on the Lord
送交者: 诚之 2008月07月23日09:59:43 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 等候神,是等候一直感觉吗?诚之 于 2008-07-23 09:50:23

In Hebrew,wait means to hope for, to anticipate. In a gospel context, waiting on the Lord connotes hopeful anticipation, submission to the Lord's will, and trusting in the Lord. Waiting denotes an active process, one of keeping our covenants. Fervent meekness and reliance on the Lord are required. Waiting requires continual self-examination, constantly trying to become more worthy, an ever-deepening and progressive discipleship of a broken heart, a contrite spirit, a yielded will, and a consecration of self. The word wait denotes spiritual expectation. When we know that the guidance of the Lord and the answers to our prayers are spiritual gifts, we cannot control or demand. We must be content and peaceful about the spiritual nudgings we may receive and be grateful for those occasional illuminating moments of brighter light and clearer understanding.
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