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沒有 主動 means WHAT:
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月15日09:38:50 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 這段經文只是說沒有(主動)尋求神的。soccerfun 於 2009-05-15 08:54:47
神 MADE 人 尋求神,

now 人 尋求神, wow, 神 is there, yes, 神 is always there,
人 looked at 神 before, but see nothing,
人 listened to 神 yelling--reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepent before, but hear nothing,

suddenly, 人 jump up! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,
my God, my Lord!

This same picture is what YOU and I saw,

you believe it is 人 100%願意回應 at that time at that place,
I believe it is 人 100%願意回應 at that time at that place,

our difference is:

人 願意回應 because 人 is still able to decide 願意 or not,
人 願意回應 because 神 MADE 人 decide 願意

our common ground is: after 願意回應,
do what God command us to do
never do what God command us not to do,

if you say: be careful, don't lose that TREASURE,
I would tell you: okay, thank you, brother,

if I say: once saved always saved,
you would tell me: okay, thank you, brother,
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