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送交者: 搖頭 2004年12月10日11:03:58 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Thanks! Something pain happened to me this morning

送交者: xinmin 2004年12月10日07:58:07 於 [彩虹之約]http://www.bbsland.com

回 答: 再生旅程 – 有痛無苦的日子(四)...2 由 天嬰 於 2004年12月10日07:38:27:

While I was driving to work, I experienced a surging and ever stronger abdominal pain. I just knew that a bowel movement is rapidly due. :-))

I was on the expressway. You may think that would help. Nope! There was intermittent traffic slow downs. One mile before the exit, I had to clinch my fist and prayed to God to alleviate the pain. The pain subsided, only to come back in a greater wave. I tightened my muscle wherever I could, trying hard to prevent unsightly embarrassment.

I parked my car, only to find the stairway exit was blocked. OK, I had to go around to the other stairway. I entered into the elevator that timely opened in front of me. Someone pushed the close and open button a couple of times as if to play with it. Witholding the pain, I could not wait and had to exit the elevator. I charged down by the stairway. Tightening my muscles, I ran with desperation, forcing myself to tight-rearended. I flashed my ID card to the receptionist. I directly headed to the nearest man's room. While running, I took off the jacket. I dropped the jacket onto the floor by the toilet. No sooner had I made myself sit on the toilet seat than the bowel movement commenced with overdue urgency.

What a test of endurance to pain!

新民兄,這種情況掐虎口很管用的。 /較短 - hantian 12/10/04 (0)
從痛苦中學習了忍耐:)感謝主! /無內容 - 天嬰 12/10/04 (1)
哈哈,這種忍耐他不學行嗎?:) /無內容 - 搖頭 12/10/04 (0)

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