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提上來感謝gems1, 借他的帖子,分享一些YouTube
送交者: Catholic 2017年08月13日20:25:37 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Ask: Are you saved?

Bishop Barron: Lord and I are working on it....

提上來感謝gems1,  借他的帖子,分享一些YouTubevideos。 BTW請問彩虹之約一直是這樣嗎? 在這裡反覆發帖的幾位網友是認真在辯論嗎?還是老熟人互相調侃,逗你玩?

gems1推薦的Bishop Barron, 我個人也很喜歡。請大家不要有”門戶之見“, Please do not be deterred by his Catholic identity. He has made it very clear that he developed these videos to "evangelize".The subjects vary from move review (Matrix, Dr. strange....) to discussion of Trinity, to social phenomena - Kathy Giffin, ...

You may not care Catholic teaching of salvation, or even you are "anti-Catholic", you will still find most of his videos interesting and enlighting. He is a great speaker.

If you like me who haven't had the leap of faith, who haven't converted/committed to a certain Christian denomination, I strongly encourage you to explore Catholicism. Please read gems1's posts below.

Other youtube videos I find useful:
Franciscan University presents (note, bits of discussion may not be fully politically correct")
Father William Nicolas (check out his Catholic Basics series, clear and concise and very helpful. Debunk a lot of the myths! Some of the homilies are also funny and engaging. BTW Father Bill is a MBA too) 
Cardinal Wuerl and Cardinal Dollan (you will find very enjoyable speeches and interviews.)

Cardinal Thomas Collins (just find out this. our very own Toronto Cardinal. visited the web site several times and never bother to click the tiny latin word button ..... 

Lectio Divina with Cardinal Thomas Collins

Father Mike Schmitz (If you find... well sometimes... Bishop Barron too academic, you may check out Ascension presents. Father Schmitz competed triathlon and his audiance are relatively young..... i guess)

Salt and Light (Canada local channal, but.. a little boring....)

STEER CLEAR of Church Militant!

Sorry, it is too time-consuming to type Chinese. Look forward to hearing from you too and thank you for all the help I get here.

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2015: 活在有盼望的日子裡
2015: 一點建議和商討
2014: 好鬥的加爾文主義者基本上都是魂沒有得
2014: 現在是什麼時刻?--- 林慈信牧師
2013: 封殺不是一種值得鼓勵的手段
2013: 老魚:答許梅驪《難泯歲月》——殉道者
2012: Beiqian:禱告第28天 脫離死亡的恐懼(
2012: 散母耳的母親 罕娜為了懷孕向神默默許