針對巴黎奧運會褻瀆基督開幕式的公開信 |
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基要福音派傳道人聯盟(FEMA) 針對巴黎奧運會褻瀆基督開幕式的公開信(後附英文版) 文/基要福音派傳道人聯盟 主後2024年7月29日 生命季刊專稿 生命季刊編者按:“基要福音派傳道人聯盟”(FEMA)由北美傳道人組成,其部分使命包括:廣泛聯合持基要福音派立場的華人教會傳道人,形成整體性的信仰力量;呼籲回歸聖經,回歸十字架,建造教會,影響社會;在末後的世代,持守真道,抵擋罪惡,不與世俗妥協,為基督作見證。由於我們的信仰具有光和鹽的特質,有山上之城的功用,“聯盟”也關心社會議題,並在聖經原則指導下,對重大社會議題做出回應。故此,針對今年7月26日的巴黎奧運會開幕式的種種瀆神罪惡,聯盟成員一致發聲譴責,並呼籲基督徒在這個“稱善為惡、稱惡為善”的末世,不能沉默,要勇敢地抵擋罪惡,為真理髮聲。關於“基要福音派傳道人聯盟”請點擊進入:基要福音派傳道人聯盟 本公開信英文版已經電郵至以下巴黎奧運聯絡信箱,並收到了他們的自動官方回應。 contact@paris2024.org(巴黎奧運聯絡信箱); media@paris2024.org(巴黎奧運媒體信箱) cnosf@cnosf.org(法國奧委會) 今年7月26日的巴黎奧運會開幕式,同性戀者、變性人等表演者以毫無尊重且公然褻瀆的方式表演“最後的晚餐”,基要福音派傳道人聯盟對此提出嚴正反對和抗議。 教會是世上的光,世上的鹽,山上的城(馬太福音5:13-14)。當教會面對社會的罪惡時,應當正視和譴責,而不能迴避。自由不是為所欲為,神賜人自由不是讓人犯罪。兩性是神的創造,不是人可以改變的。人男女性別的確定是根據出生時的生理性別,而非心理認同的性別。當性別混亂時,婚姻、家庭和社會都會偏離神創造的秩序。所以,同性戀和變性違背神的創造,違背人性,破壞婚姻、家庭和社會的秩序,是神所恨惡的大罪,必然招致神的審判(羅馬書1:26-27)。 基督徒應當尊重、關愛、幫助有同性戀傾向和變性傾向的人,但也必須根據聖經,明確地抵制和譴責同性戀和變性的罪,並且義正言辭地反對和抗議在公共領域、公共事件、公共媒體、國家政策上對同性戀和變性的推崇和推廣、對基督教信仰的侮辱和挑釁、對神的褻瀆和輕慢。 巴黎奧運會開幕式這一違背天理人倫的公共事件,是濫用奧運會開幕式的平台對全人類的侮辱,對青少年和兒童的毒害,對人性別常識的重大扭曲和誤導,是對婚姻、家庭和社會秩序的破壞,是對醜惡的認可、鼓勵和宣傳,是以藝術之名行邪惡之事,以娛樂的幌子鼓吹污穢不堪的放縱,更是對神的褻瀆,也是對普世教會的公然羞辱和挑釁。 我們注意到,連許多非基督徒的有識之士,也公開發聲譴責奧運開幕式上這種突破人類良知底線的醜惡表演。謝謝教會外人士出於正義感的發聲,對於公序良俗的維護!教會更不能再沉默了!沉默就意味着沉淪。我們堅定地相信神最終掌管一切,同時神也告訴我們今天世上充滿屬靈爭戰。神呼召每一位基督徒抵擋罪惡、追求聖潔、捍衛真理、榮耀基督。面對社會的罪惡,基督徒要獻上恆切的禱告,也要採取必須的行動,不能無動於衷,不能聽之任之,不能無所作為,正如詩篇所記:“我見惡人離棄你的律法,就怒氣發作,猶如火燒。”(詩篇119:53) 因此,基要福音派傳道人聯盟對本屆巴黎奧運會提出嚴正反對、抗議。雖然奧運會主辦方表示了所謂的“道歉”,但大家都能看出,這份道歉是敷衍的、狡辯的、毫無誠意的。我們公開呼籲奧運主辦方、以及開幕式的導演和涉事演員向全社會誠懇道歉,向普世教會誠懇道歉,向神認罪悔改,並採取真誠的補救行動。 我們呼籲所有因巴黎奧運開幕表演受到傷害的人們,在奧運會主辦方真誠改過之前,根據自己的良心,對本屆奧運會的相關活動做出抵制。我們並呼籲所有基督徒為此事件的組織和參與者向神獻上虔誠的祈禱,求神的憐憫和拯救臨到他們,也求神的公義彰顯,因為“神是公義的審判者,又是天天向惡人發怒的神。”(詩篇 7:11) 天國近了,悔改吧! "An Open Letter from the Fundamental Evangelical Ministers Alliance (FEMA) Regarding the Blasphemous Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics" By: FEMA 7/29/2024 Editorial Special by CCLife Quarterly **Editorial Note from "CCLife Quarterly":** The Fundamental Evangelical Ministers Alliance (FEMA) is composed of a group of ministers from North America, and part of its mission includes: broadly uniting Chinese ministers who hold a fundamental evangelical stance to form a cohesive faith-based strength; calling for return to the Bible and the cross, building the church, and influencing society; in the end times, holding firm to the truth, resisting evil, not compromising with secularism, and bearing witness for Christ. Since our faith embodies the qualities of light and salt and serves as City upon a hill, the Alliance is also concerned with social issues and responds to significant social topics according to biblical principles. Therefore, in response to the various blasphemous acts at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games on July 26 this year, the members of the Alliance unanimously condemned the actions and called on Christians not to remain silent in this end time, where good is called evil, and evil is called good, but to bravely resist evil and speak out for the truth. For more information on the "Fundamental Evangelical Ministers Alliance," please click here: [Fundamental Evangelical Ministers Alliance]. At the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games on July 26 this year, performers, including homosexuals and transgender individuals, presented "The Last Supper" in a utterly disrespectful and blasphemous manner. The Fundamental Evangelical Ministers Alliance strongly oppose and protest against this. The church is the light of the world, the salt of the earth, and a city upon a hill (Matthew 5:13-14). When the church faces sins in our society, it should confront and condemn them, not avoid them. Freedom is not the freedom to do whatever one pleases; God gives freedom not for people to sin. Gender is God's creation, not something humans can change. The determination of a person's gender is based on his/her biological sex at birth, not psychological gender identity. Marriage, family, and society deviate from God's created order when gender becomes confusing. Therefore, homosexuality and transgenderism violate God's creation, go against human nature, and disrupt the order of marriage, family, and society. These are great sins detested by God and will inevitably bring about God's judgment (Romans 1:26-27). Christians should respect, care for, and help those with homosexual and transgender inclinations. However, Christians must also clearly resist and condemn the sins of homosexuality and transgenderism according to the Bible. We should openly oppose and protest against the promotion and endorsement of homosexuality and transgenderism in public areas including public events, media, and national policies, as well as any insults and provocations against the Christian faith and blasphemies against God. The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, which violated moral laws and ethical norms, is an abuse of the Olympic platform and an insult to humanity, a corruption to youth and children, a significant distortion and misguidance regarding gender norms, and a disruption of marriage, family, and social order. It is an endorsement, encouragement, and promotion of evil under the guise of art, promoting indecent indulgence under the mask of entertainment, a blasphemy against God, and an open insult and challenge to the universal Church. We noticed that even many non-Christians of insight have publicly condemned this heinous performance at the Olympic opening ceremony which crossed the bottom line of human conscience. We thank those outside the church who spoke out of a sense of justice for maintaining public ethics and morals. The churches should not remain silent! Silence means acquiescence. We firmly believe that God ultimately governs all things, and at the same time, God tells us that the world today is full of spiritual battles. God calls every Christian to resist evil, pursue holiness, defend the truth, and glorify Christ. In the face of societal sins, Christians must offer fervent prayers and take necessary actions; they cannot be indifferent, complacent, or inactive. As stated in the Psalms: "Indignation has taken hold of me because of the wicked, who forsake Your law." (Psalm 119:53) Therefore, the Fundamental Evangelical Ministers Alliance expresses strong opposition and protest against this year's Paris Olympic Games. Although the Olympic organizers has issued an alleged "apology," it is clear to all that this apology was perfunctory, evasive, and insincere. We publicly call on the Olympic organizers, as well as the director and involved actors of the opening ceremony, to sincerely apologize to the public, to the universal Church, and to God, confessing and repenting for their actions and taking genuine remedial measures. We urge all those who were hurt by the Paris Olympic opening performance to consider, according to their conscience, boycotting the related events of this Olympic Games until the organizers sincerely rectify their actions. We also call on all Christians to offer devout prayers to God for the organizers and participants of this event, asking for God's mercy and salvation to reach them, and for God's justice to be manifested, for "God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked every day." (Psalm 7:11) Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near! 關於“基要福音派傳道人聯盟”: 末世,為主作集體的見證!(2021海外傳道人退修研討會/基要福音派傳道人聯盟成立) (更多了解“基要福音派傳道人聯盟”?請電郵:Femaoct2021@gmail.com) 閱讀本刊更多文章,請點擊 |
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