回雅億-鄉仆的驕傲和孟江女的哭倒長城 |
送交者: xinmin 2007年01月18日07:45:58 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話 |
Probably misdiagnosed again. Let me give it an reappraisal to your diagnosis: 言歸正傳,鄉仆說的這句話,“不過後來我發現我為一些人的靈性禱告(我的親人),非常有能力,確實是將人帶向神的,才敢使用。”,我覺得很多羊們都有這個問題,就是孟江女的哭倒長城那意思。 Typical second guessing. Remember human language has its limit in expression. So try not to misread other's intention. Remember the lesson of 以己之心度人之腹? 請問鄉姐妹和彩虹羊們,難道神對你親人的愛比不上你對他們的愛嗎? That is a wasteful rhetorical non-question. Of course, God's love is the greatest! But God's love often expresses through his agents, especially human, rarely angelic. 上天要被你感動才會幫助你要幫助的人嗎? Again a wasteful rhetorical non-question. God often moves people to help others. Re-read Jesus' parable of sheep and goat in Matthew 25? 還是你自己被自己感動的一塌糊塗了就以為神也被你感動了? What do you think? 還是你為一些人的靈性禱告實際上是神借着他們造就你自己呢? The cup of blessing often overflows, forward and backward, and all around. 感謝主,能用我來辦的事情,雖然他根本用不着我,他用石頭和毛驢都可以辦成他要辦的事情,但他卻要我們來做,好讓我們覺得是我們的禱告是我們的錢是我們的時間是我們的才幹口才幫了別人。可是,那只是我們的感覺,為了造就我們自己,那是他本來就出於他無窮無盡的愛要做的和正在做地,感謝主。 But do not negate the good feeling of helping others. Do good in joy. That is a small reward from God. How often do you as some sort of psychiastrist misdignose other's emotions? Do better in the future before we declare you incompetent and unfit.
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