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My first four prayers (1)
送交者: 聞神羊 2002年07月02日21:05:11 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

I "accidentally" involved with other friends in a debate on prayers. And I painted myself into the corner, and promised to write about my prayers. I said this in such a “negative” way, because I am lazy in formal writing, and always tried to avoid it; another reason could be that I did not live up to what I should; particularly in this case, I did not pray consistently lately.

I have been praying for this issue since Friday, and this forced me to reflect a lot of events in my last 11 years as a believer. And it forced me to reflect my current situation in my spiritual life. I recalled a lot of prayers in this period of time; I realized need to count my blessing in this journey, as well as failures. But I am not going to talk about them at all, because I have almost same number of failures as successes. And I have learned that if I only talked about my success stories and pretend to be a very spiritual person, and God will sure give me another painful lesson.

So I am going to focus on four prayers I made in my first two years of Christian Life. These four events are quite special in my life, and I still remember them well.

Like most of people from China, I was taught to be an Atheist, and I majored in Electronics Engineering in China in a top univeristy. We were taught to be strict in every research, for example, you have to record all the series numbers of the equipments, so that you can repeat the experiment and get the same result. And I am a very proud person, because I thought I have received “advanced education”, I only believed in my logical reasoning, and my holy “SCIENCE IS THE POWER”, I will never believed anything “superstitious”.

One day, Dr. Chen, an old Christian lady I will talked about shortly, told me a testimony: A poor theology student’s car is dead, and he could not afford the tow truck. So he laid his hand on the car, and prayed: “In the name of Jesus Christ, I commend you to start”. And the car started, and he was able to drive it to the junkyard, and saved the tow fee.

As you can imagine, I feel the story was so hilarious. I remember I was being very polite and said:” Wow, a very touching story”. But inside, I really had hard time to control myself, so that I will not laugh out loud.

Hey, can you imagine? Just one year later, if you ask me again, I will tell you that I believe that story, and very sure I do.

Because I have personally experienced the power of prayer, there are four prayers in the next year marked the turning points of my spiritual life: I found my faith in Christ Jesus.

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