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deed reflect that inside
送交者: twofaces 2003年12月19日09:53:41 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

There is mirror before you, what you said, what you did, reflect what inside you.

I have no right to judge. If Juses is in our heart, what do we worry about. If someone call you, introduce our Lord to him/her. Is that GOOD?

The fruit is from GOD. Sometimes I lost. Is some fruit from GOD or not?

I watched the vedio of a Chinese pastor: Who was a soldier when soldier was a very good career in China, a Communist pastor when that was career, a PhD student when diploma and university was a good career, a democ... when that was good career, and pastor here ....

I do not know the hell is for what kind of people, and the heaven is for what kind of people. I remember a brother in this site posted: if there is 50% of christian here in North America in the heaven, this heaven is not his heaven.

I hope GOD give me the power to judge, but not. I hope GOD let me see the justice, but not.

I pray GOD, please forgive two faces, because of the sin. The sin made two faces.

Some people may say: he will wait outside of heaven, to see what kind of people go to heaven, or use their wisdom.

Yesterday night I read the PROVERBs and the ECCLESIASTERS. I pray GOD: please give me wisdom, even though (ECCLESIASTERS 1:17): Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.

GOD bless. Amen!

Two faces with one face

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