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送交者: 微一 2012年04月13日20:43:20 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話



Dear Uncle Richard and Aunt Ann,


I have been hesitant to call or write or correspond in any way because I fear your reaction to what I am about to share with you.  I am writing to let the two of you know that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and that I got baptized on October 30, 2011.  I realize that this is a very divisive issue; however, I feel that the Holy Spirit is influencing me to write to you both.  Over the last several years I’ve learned and realized how profound it was for Jesus to come to Earth through us, the Jewish people, to die for our sins as predicted by the Jewish prophets regarding the Messiah.  I am proud of that.  Why did he do this?  The answer is one of love and hate.  Jesus did this because he loves YOU.  That’s right, he did this for YOU!  I know that is very difficult to believe, but you must!  Jesus loves his children similar to how much you love Marc and Susan, ONLY MORE.  Also, God hates sin.  We all fall short of following God’s word.  This makes us all sinners.  God is Holy.  Jesus covers our sin when we approach God because the blood of animals was not enough to pay the price for the sins of the world.  God uses blood to wash away our sins because he wants us to recognize that sin is repulsive to him.  That’s about as concise as I can explain it.


If you think that I have been “brainwashed”, consider this fact, the probability of one man fulfilling just 8 of the more than 300 prophecies of the Old Testament is 1 in 1017 (i.e. 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000).  Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies.


You might be wondering how Jesus has helped me.  Well, life is actually more difficult then ever because I have to live by a standard that sets Christians apart from the ways of the world.  The reason for this is because God is trying to teach me to be patient and it is his way of keeping me close to him.  I pray and read the bible every night.  I go to church once a week.  I go to a bible study once a week.  I listen to evangelists (on TV) that help me to understand scripture.  All of this has helped me to not be afraid of death anymore.  However, the most gratifying part of this life changing experience is not me opening up my heart to Jesus, but helping and watching others open theirs.  Please don’t stake your eternal life on the trappings of man.  I am asking you out of love to please open your hearts to Jesus Christ.  At least look into it.





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