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送交者: Hesed 2004年02月01日20:36:29 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

“ 我要向山舉目。我的幫助從何而來。我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來。” 詩篇121:1-2

"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From whence shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2


It was a journey that usually required 6 hours for the average travelers. I found myself disoriented, cold and hungry, under the otherwise romantic night sky of East Africa, after 12 hours of stumbling along the alien vegetation. It had to be another 45 degree sharp ascent before I could hit my destination, the place where I could find my rest. I could muster no strength in what must have been a frail frame in the eyes of my porters and guide. The porters and guide never before attempted this phase of the journey in almost pitch dark conditions. They should have been sitting around a stove and sipping their Kenyan tea by then.

當我疲憊地挨在那崎嶇上行山道旁的硬石上時,“我會在此死去嗎?這地方夜裡會有危險的動物徘徊嗎?”等一連串問題正添加着那無助的感覺。我僱傭的兩個搬運工人嘗試協助我,半提半拖地扶着我走。然而普頓營地仍如在永恆之外。奇怪的,“父阿,我將我的靈魂交在你手裡。”是我所唯一能記起的經節。然後永恆就來臨了... 如果史普頓營地真要是天堂的話。

"Would I die here? Will there be dangerous animals that roam this area at night?" were questions that added to the sense of helplessness as I laid my weary back against the hard rock by the crooked, upward leading foot path. My 2 porters tried to help me along, half carrying and half dragging. Shipton Camp still seemed to be an eternity away. "Into your hands, I lay my spirit" strangely was the only verse that came to mind. And then eternity came... if only Shipton was heaven.


Inadequate physical preparation and poor acclimatization not only denied me the joy of conquering my first four-thousander (mountains above 4,000m), they almost claimed my life. I understood later that there were indeed trekkers, whose ambition exceeded their capacity, which died of hypothermia.

從此,詩篇121:1-2 就在我生命中有了嶄新的個人意義。每次當我看到山峰的圖象,我就憶起那除造天地的 耶和華之外,還能有誰的境況。

Since then Psalm 121:1-2 took on a new and personal meaning for me. Whenever I look at any pictures of mountains, I will remember the occasion when no human beings mattered except the Lord, who made heaven and earth.


I suppose Christian life can be as treacherous for me and there is no way I could last the race on my own. The high altitude of moral standards would require a character rather than a mere comprehension of the code. Sticking to it when no one cheers, insisting on it when there is no imminent reward, picking myself up despite the jeers, resisting the temptation to take from the money bag and not kissing my Lord over to His enemy. I have no confidence apart from faith in the Lord. I have no motivation apart from love for the Lord. Think that was why the Lord added a new command to the Ten Commandments. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you..." (John 13:34; emphasis mine). While His law lays upon me an injunction, His life entering into my life inpires me to live up to that injunction. Only then, could His yoke be easy.


"I love You, Lord. Amen."

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