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送交者: 雪梅 2012年09月12日10:28:36 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話







我最喜歡的部分是1)開始的那首歌Why2)結尾處用了“Before Your Love by Kelly Clarkson,這首愛情歌曲的一段來描述我們和神的關係。下面就是劇本。



A Very Modern Christmas Show






(People enter, singing “Why?”)


Chorus: why, why, why(x3)


1. Why for the presents

Why for the gifts

Why do the spirits start to uplift?

2. Why for the holiday

One whole day

Why do the hearts start to let Jesus on his way?

Why, why, why



NARRATOR: Merry Christmas! You’ve probably heard that a million times already. Why do we have Christmas at all? I’ll have to think on that question.

ANNOUNCER: First up, A Modern Twist on the Story of Baby Jesus.

(Narrator reads A Modern Twist on the Story of Baby Jesus)


Come on, let’s admit it-everybody under this very fine root tonight knows the original story of baby Jesus’ birth. But I tell you, only I know the MODERN version I’m reading to you tonight. Sure, my little sister Rebecca might know parts of it, but part isn’t all. In fact, if this were math class, any good math teacher could tell you why fractions are not wholes. No-I should say any teacher. But we‘re not exactly here to discuss that, are we? If I remember correctly, we’re here to talk about why Christmas is a holiday at all. Because you have to admit, presents, cookies, and Santa Claus aren’t exactly what you’d call “good reason”.

You See, this young women named Mary was engaged to this young man named Joseph. But before they were married, Mary was found pregnant at the hospital. The doctor put on his best serious face and said to her, “Mary, you are pregnant with a baby. Wait several months, and you will be able to give birth to him.” “It’s a boy?” Mary asked. “Duh,” said the doctor “What do you think he was, a cow?” ”Why-why of course not!” Mary stammered as she left. “T didn’t think he was a cow!”


Now the dictator of the place,Rome, his name was Caesar Augustus or something like that, he wanted a census to be taken. Since the people that served him weren’t very up-to-date, they decided that people would go and register in a specified town,. Naturally, Augustus got to lay back and do nothing while everyone else traveled. So Joseph and Mary had to go and register, because apparently they were part of “everyone inRome”.

Mary and Joseph had to register in Bethlehem, this city that was a long way from Nazareth, Joseph’s home town, Well, if you walked. That took about three days. But no, Mary and Joseph were smart. They were going by a donkey-shaped van. Soon, they were all packed.

“GPS?” Joseph asked, going through a checklist to make sure they had everything.

“Check.” Mary held up the small gray device.

“Extra cash?”

“In here.”

“Caesar Augustus’ #1 Premium Car Fuel?”

“Got that”

“Then we’re ready to go!” Joseph declared. The young couple hopped on the car and soon these angel, who told them a saviour was to be born in a petting zoo. At first they thought it was some teenager’s dirty trick. But when they saw hundreds of them praising God, they quickly came to worship the saviour.

The shepherds left gifts of wool and ran off for dinner at McDonalds. No sooner than they had left than three rich guys barged in. They carried jeweled boxes and wore cheap plastic crowns. They quickly told their tale. They had followed a star on camel-shaped cars, which, like Mary and Jose’s car, was part of the farm animal car collection. They lay the three boxes down on the ground, bowed, and left. And as the sky darkened, Mary, Joseph, and the petting zoo animals fall asleep. The end.

ANNOUNCER: Now for our parade.

(Parade stuffed animals dressed as Mary, Joseph, etc. around)

ANNOUNCER: Next is a segment from “Before Your Love” by Kelly Clarkson:

I never lived before your love

I never felt before your touch

I never needed anyone to make me feel alive

But then again, I wasn’t really living

I never lived before your love


NARRATOR: You most likely go through these shows every year. What’s the point? We already know who Jesus is! But God wants you to remember. He isn’t letting this happen for no reason at all. And just because you know Jesus doesn’t mean your next-door neighbor does! I would like to thank (but unfortunately cannot do so): Kelly Clarkson for writing “Before Your Love” in a way that describes our feelings after we have come to know God so well, Mary and Joseph for dealing with the coming of the Messiah so calmly, and most of all, God himself, for making so many things possible. Thank YOU too. Thanks for watching and participating. Thanks to my little sister for her help.

(Sing Merry Christmas 3 times)

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas(x3)

Christmas to you!

Happy Birthday(x3)

Birthday to Jesus!

End of show.



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