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Redfoot: How to tape record audio from computer?
送交者: Redfoot 2004年07月07日08:21:41 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

If you only need record speech quality on tape, then you can buy some cheap cable to connect your tape recorder to your computer speaker or earphone outlet, and record them.

Usually, all computer should have a earphone or speaker outlet. So all you need is to find a tape recorder that can record a tape.

Here there are three possible ways to send audio signal to your tape recorder.
a) through microphone in, b) through Aux audio in, c) a audio to tape convertor d) through FM modulator.

The A and B quit easy, you can get it from most stores like RadioShack, or CircuitCity. If you are lucky, you might find them in 99 cent store.

C) is often called Car Adapter, designed to feed your audio signal to tape player in car, you can buy them from most stores, sometime it's sold with a CD player.

The D) is also called FM Sound feeder, it's a device that can turn audio signal to a FM wave, then you can simply tune your FM radio to that channel and record them just like any FM radio station.

Here is one which is on sale on buy.com for only $12.61, buy.com also has free shipping for sale over $25.

This device has another useage. Say if your car do not have a MP3 CD device, you can play MP3 or any media format on notebook, PDA, MP3 player, and send the signal to your car stearo. Or if you are bring your kids to a long trip, you can play VCD/DVD on notebook, and send the sound to your car stearo.

By the way, in a lot of case, you don't want to play your computer audio volumn too high, you might want to control it to 1/3 to 1/2 for best results.

Let me know if you have problem. I tried to find the direct link to A,B,C, but did not have enough time. If you have questions, I will try to find that again.

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