請欣賞幾首復活節合唱 |
送交者: 安娜 2014年04月20日14:00:46 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話 |
1. Via Dolorosa
2. Undying love
3. Rise to the Reign
4. Were you there
1. Via Dolorosa Lyrics
Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day
He was bleeding
The blood that would cleanse the souls of all men
Down the Via Dolorosa a called the way of suffering
Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering
But He chose to walk that road out of His love
2. Undying Love
And I can see You
My heart is broken, I’m down on my knees
And I can see You 3. Risen to Reign
Early that morning the garden lay silent a-gain. Vowing something is ready to begin. The earth quake roared, as morning pieced the sky A angel soared, lifting the heaven's cry The grave' dark room was filled with mercy's light Then from the tome, Jesus Christ embraced eternal life. He is risen, he is risen to reign living loard He is risen, He is risen to reign evermore. Darkness ends, life begins, He has done what he said he would do. 4. Were you there
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb? 後記: 曾經許願如果過敏好了,就去教會唱詩班讚美神。神果然眷顧,讓我如願以嘗。 安娜今天參加了復活節的獻歌。剛開始,五線譜的歌本讓我懵倒,最後我習慣了這些直觀易懂的蝌蚪文,並且成為我喜歡的樂譜。我也從沒受過聲樂正規訓練,現在居然學會假聲唱女高音。我深知這一切都源自神,我沒有一點可以自誇。練唱有時很辛苦,昨天從九點半練到十二點,最後累得站不直腰,嗓子沙啞。所以我切切的禱告神保守今天的獻唱。 今天我站在唱詩班的中間位置,不同聲部的美妙歌聲四面繚繞,時而鋼琴輕柔,時而管弦悠揚,驚喜的發現一個嗓音高亢的我融匯在這歌的潮里,不由得如醉如痴。歌聲也感動了會眾裡面坐着的大帥,我的愛人。他立志參加唱詩班服侍神。大帥說神要我心甘情願地服侍他,不出於一點人的勉強。我坦白我曾經徒勞的強迫他去唱詩班。最後只好交託到禱告裡由神決斷。感謝神又一次回應了禱告。我盼望着下次獻歌快點到來,我就可以和我的愛人一同用歌聲讚美主。耶穌真的復活了!在我們的生命里!哈里路亞! 親,今天安娜特地精選了幾首復活節的合唱歌曲請大家欣賞,願您從歌聲里聽到又真又活的神對你的愛。
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
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2013: | let's all pray | |
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2012: | 林慈信博士「心理學與聖經」研討會系列 | |
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2010: | 自吹自擂! | |
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2009: | 大女兒昨日受浸了! | |
2009: | Framework Interpretation簡析 | |