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Comment by a catholic reader
送交者: xiangpu 2014年10月07日22:36:36 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

I read this from :


Catholic Herald view: Pope Francis is leading us beyond the Kasper debate".

An ordinary Catholic's view: Pope Francis is leading us towards the syncretistic world religion of the New Order predicted by several of the mystics, stigmatics and Saints, and leading us there quite deliberately. Yes, towards a Masonic world religion in which nobody needs to be saved as we are all saved, because God in in us, not 'up there'; a religion in which there is no Catholic God and where the Catholic Church is only one means of ascent, equal to all the others; a religion in which all can share as there is no Original Sin, no Divine Law, no need of conversion, penance or mortification; a naturalistic religion devoid of the Incarnation and the Cross because the sole aim is "justice" in this world (as Francis has explicitly defined the aim of the Church).

He may think he is leading us to a new paradigm of Christianity, but this new paradigm is assuredly not of Heaven.

Any reader of the Pope's comments taken in toto over the last year, must, if he is being intellectually honest, accept this. Francis does not hold the same Faith as I do nor the same Faith as my parents nor that of any of our forebears. Yes, the "Catholicism" proposed by Francis (let alone Kasper) is a new religion which just uses some of the words usually associated with Catholicism.

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