送交者: Nicodemus 2005年3月14日16:42:39 于 [彩虹之约]http://www.bbsland.com
一位在美国地方召会圣徒真实的心声 (see attached for the English Original)
I meet with the local churches. I don't at all consider them a 'cult,' but I do think they (we) are an example of what can happen if a Christian group takes itself too seriously.
There are many people in the local churches, certainly the ones I know, who are very dear, precious believers, and who love the Lord very much. They also love the Word (and not just the Recovery Version). But there are others who have a heavyhanded approach and insist on non-Biblical matters like being 'one with the ministry.' And that can indeed produce an atmosphere of oppressiveness. However, it should be understood that even among the local churches (and despite attempts to create uni????ity), there are varying conditions and perspectives.
Many saints are sincerely troubled by the present situation, and know something is unhealthy. At the same time, in their own Christian lives, they are endeavoring to follow the Lord in their daily walk. Not everyone in the local churches agrees with the teachings and practices that focus on one servant at the expense of focusing on Christ.
But I should admit, I do think Witness Lee was a genuine servant of the Lord. I don't think he was infallible. I think he made real mistakes. But I also believe his ministry had (and continues to have) tremendous value, and I have benefitted from it. Indeed, I know Christians who never met with the local churches who still were helped by his writings, as they were helped by Watchman Nee.
The reason I decided to enter into the discussion on this forum is because to my observation there are two sides depicted here, and I honestly think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I don't think the local churches, or Witness Lee, are as deserving of contempt as some here seem to think. (I don't mean to mischaracterize anyone, so if that's going too far feel free to correct me.) But I also don't think the people who are making those comments are 'false accusers.' The people here who have met with the local churches know what they are talking about. And I guess I would just like to enter into these conversations, first, so that people who think the local church is simply a cult, to be rejected hook, line and sinker, can learn that there's much more to it than that; and second, so that people in the local church who respond to criticisms by labeling them as 'lies' and 'accusations' without really addressing them, or who simply paste huge quotes from LSM books without personal commentary, can learn that they have something to gain from listening to those who are critical.
It is absolutely indisputable that Witness Lee has been called 'the minister of the age,' 'the oracle of God,' and other titles. He seemed to endorse this. And that's inexcusable. Christ is our goal, our life, our love, our center, and our everything. No man should ever take His place.
But that's not all there was to Witness Lee. I saw him in trainings and conferences many times, and there was also humility, meekness, longsuffering, and genuine Christian virtue with him. I'm not just saying that. I'm not trying to vindicate him. Someone on this forum said that brother Lee was not saved. I can only say with my Christian conscience, that's not true. He was a brother, and a servant of the Lord. I realize some here consider him a heretic, and maybe (though I'm no scholar) that can be addressed. But there are too many truths in the Bible that I never understood, and too many experiences of the Christian life that I never touched, until I heard this man speak, or until I read his publications. I don't think that means I'm deceived. I think that means I was given life, just as I have been given life by ministers outside of the local churches.
What many believers in the local churches are wrestling with is the recognition that a very faithful and dear servant of the Lord could also be fundamentally wrong, especially in this matter of God having one unique move, through one unique ministry, etc. As has been referred to somewhere in this forum, at the end of his life, Witness Lee publicly repented for mistreating other Christians, and for the spirit of arrogance and pride that had come into the churches. That repentance was genuine. Unfortunately, for the most part it has not been followed by the brothers he raised up to take the lead.
There are several consistent participants here who were past members of the local churches. I don't consider you 'negative,' or 'in rebellion,' or any other such nonsense. I fully believe you are (or at least can be) following the Lord outside of the local churches. And a lot of what you react to is accurate.
But I can attest that it is possible to stay in the local churches, be helped to love the Lord Jesus, enjoy brother Lee's writings and simultaneously enjoy numerous other 'non-recovery' writings, fellowship with believers who do not meet with the local churches without any sense of disdain, and be fully aware of the Lord's presence and blessing. In other words, at the very least, I don't fit anyone's stereotype of a shallow, Lee-quoting, brainwashed member who can't use his mind. Frankly, I know very few people like that (but yes, there are people like that).
I've read elsewhere on this forum that marriages have been damaged or destroyed because of improper teachings and practices, and a lack of Christian love, in the local churches. I am so sorry for that. I am not surprised that such things happen among us, because religious zealotry is a terrible thing, and sometimes we promote that.
But I can also say that my own marriage has been helped by being in the local churches. And I know many married couples who have honestly testified that they were on the verge of divorce, until they started meeting in the local churches. I'm not making that up. There have been families who were, and are, helped by being in the local churches, including my own.
And to sum it up before rambling too long, there are many people in the local churches who love the Lord Jesus, and who are very much in prayer concerning how to proceed. The Lord has not led them out. Instead, He has kept them here, and they are seeking Him within. Maybe some here in this forum will interpret this to mean that these people are still being misled, or are unable to break away from their dependence. I don't think so. I think the Lord is working in the hearts of many dear saints in the local churches, and the Lord is not telling them to leave, but telling them to follow Him in the midst of a troubling situation. And that truly is a 'recovery.'
What Christians in the local churches are fighting for is real: an expression of oneness, that the Lord spoke of in John 17. Maybe emphasizing the 'ground of locality' is simply one way, and not the only way, of practically maintaining that oneness. And it is no doubt improper to presume that only Christians who meet this way are part of the Lord's present move. But it is equally improper to condemn these Christians who are trying to please the Lord and who believe that a practical expression of oneness is pleasing to Him, and is worth paying a price for. The fact that it can lead to abuses and peculiarities (i.e. the Exclusive Brethren) is something that can't be denied, and this must be resisted. But the desire and hope that God would gain a group of people who love Him first and belong to Him alone, apart from traditional religious systems, that's something to be appreciated. And I see that here, in the local churches.