Senior Pastor, Rev Ong's note 王牧师的简笔 (23rd April 2006):-
Title: Seeing is Believing and Doing. 有远见是去相信,去实现。
箴言 Proverbs 29:18 没有异象(注:或作“默示”),民就放肆。。。
The great Chinese Pastor and Teacher, Watchman Nee, once quoted saying, "The great work of God does not begin with consecration but seeing."
Without consecration to God, everthing will lead to defeat but without vision, the consecration will descend to religious pride and spiritual deadness.
无分别为圣的奉献于上帝,逢事都会导致失败,但没有视野,其分别为圣的奉献确定将降为宗教骄傲 和精神空虚.
Before Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land, God showed him the land. 约书亚记Joshua 1:4
Before Joshua could secure the victory in Jericho, God drew his attention to see the victory. Joshua 6:2
You need to ask the Holy Spirit for spiritual dreams and visions in the areas of breakthrough you believe for. The visions and dreams will most probably be different and even opposite from the natural realities surrounding you.
你要向圣灵祈求理想和梦想,对你所相信的精神方面的突破. 理想与梦想很可能会不同,甚至相反你周围的自然现象与现实。
28 以后,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。你们的儿女要说预言,你们的老年人要做异梦,少年人要见异像。
29 在那些日子,我要将我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女。 ,
约珥书 Joel 2:28-29
Keep seeing in the canvass of your imagination what He has shown you.
keep talking about it.
Fill your conscious and sub-concious mind with what He has given; and
Pray for the visions and dreams to be fulfilled.
将神所提示的 补满你的思想与潜意识。
What you see, you become, you do and you experience.