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送交者: 谨守 2023年11月27日07:29:17 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

The difference is certainly not very important, as Mastricht and Moor commented; yet it is remarkable that many Lutherans preferred to say that the divine nature in the person of the Son became human, a formulation that is undoubtedly connected with their basic idea. But the Reformed favored the formulation that the person of the Son was immediately united with the human nature, and the divine nature was [therefore] mediately united with it. This is how the church fathers had taught earlier and how the church confessed it. The sixth Synod of Toledo (AD 638) declared that although the entire Trinity cooperates in the incarnation, inasmuch as all the works of the Trinity are inseparable, nevertheless “only (the Son) assumes human nature in the singularity of the person, not in the unity of the divine nature: in what is peculiar to the Son, not what is common to the Trinity.” Questions such as those were treated in scholasticism;106 whether the Father and the Holy Spirit could have become a human, therefore, need not detain us. The Father could not be sent, for he is the first in order and is self-existent; the Spirit proceeds from the Son, succeeds him, and is sent by him. But the Son was the one suited for the incarnation. In the divine being he occupies the place between the Father and the Spirit, is by nature the Son and image of God, was mediator already in the first creation, and as Son could restore us to our position as children of God. Yet though subjectively and as it pertains to its end, the incarnation is peculiar only to the Son, still with respect to its origin, beginning, and effectiveness, it is a work of the whole Trinity. Christ was sent by the Father and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Reformed theology already expressed this truth in its doctrine of the pact of redemption (pactum salutis). The entire work of re-creation is not just a decree of God; it is rooted in the free and conscious consultation of the three persons. It is a personal, not a natural, work. In the Son, the Father is from all eternity the Father of his children; the Son is eternally their guarantor and mediator; the Holy Spirit is eternally their Comforter. Not just after the fall, not even first at the creation, but in eternity the foundations of the covenant of grace were laid. And the incarnation is not an incidental decree that emerged later: it was decided and determined from eternity. There was no time when the Son did not exist; there was also no time when the Son did not know he would assume and when he was not prepared to assume the human nature from the fallen race of Adam. The incarnation was prepared from eternity; it does not rest in the essence of God but in the person. It is not a necessity as in pantheism, but neither is it arbitrary or accidental as in Pelagianism.[1]

[1] Herman Bavinck, John Bolt, and John Vriend, Reformed Dogmatics: Sin and Salvation in Christ, vol. 3 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 276–277.

  不拿教义跟圣经同比了?有进步。 - xiahong 11/27/23 (7403)
      又想偷奸耍滑,偷换概念 - xiahong 11/27/23 (7256)
        挺逗的,那你刚才引用那节经文是咋回事?🤣  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7235)
          为何自夸, 仿佛不是领受的呢?你的,明白?  /无内容 - xiahong 11/27/23 (7190)
            你傻姑溜秋的样子很有意思😄  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7141)
            是啊,保罗这里所说的“领受”意思是“从上领受”啊,宝贝😄  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7157)
              不要转移话题:阿米念,卫斯理不是从上领受的?  /无内容 - xiahong 11/27/23 (7018)
                他们是从人领受的,就是保罗在林前2:12中所说的“世上的灵” - 谨守 11/27/23 (6816)
                  哈哈,别人是从世上领受,你是从上领受。 - xiahong 11/27/23 (6762)
                    嘿嘿,是你引用林前4:7如此嘉奖额滴啊😄  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (6651)
                      乖,要点儿脸,好不?你们教会有人来的。  /无内容 - xiahong 11/27/23 (6582)
                        嘿嘿,瞎哄这行也不好混啊,频繁出丑也很难受,不是吗?😊  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (6567)
        连林慈信都玩概念偷换,他的徒子徒孙们不玩都怪了 - nngzh 11/27/23 (7254)
          我非常高兴我与林慈信牧师为伍,而你与本坛骨灰级🦐子为伍  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7200)
          我不认为你们这些痴呆懂得林慈信牧师所说的概念😄  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7205)
    跟蒙古大夫谈逻辑?加尔文也不会同意啊  /无内容 - xiahong 11/27/23 (7452)
      你也只能用你的愚蠢来刷存在感☝️  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7240)
    巴文克著作的译者被巴文克打脸打得劈啪响💪  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7458)
      church teaching is never - nngzh 11/27/23 (7396)
        请继续展示你的无知或无耻☝️  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7291)
      TULIP不是divine truth itself,正确啊 - nngzh 11/27/23 (7424)
        嗨,如今这都什么世道?连假先知都没法混日子了,这也太给力了吧  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (6082)
        翻译官这是咋滴了?跟犹大一样上吊了???  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (6248)
        你这个小日本的汉奸翻译官噎住了?回答👇这个问题啊?  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7006)
        请问巴文克这里的truth你要翻译成什么吧????  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (7281)
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