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Our narrow mind pushes us to a corner.
送交者: xinmin 2006年08月04日10:10:27 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

As I said repeatedly, biblical truth is often paradoxical. People of narrow mind often force themselves to choose between two alternative or seemingly opposite choices without realizing that both choices can be valid.

Does God love us unconditionally? Yes! Without consulting us, he loves us just the way or despite the way we are.

Does God's unconditional love carry us to the same place in this life or after life? Not! Just look us and the prospect of our eternity.

Is God's love long suffering? Absolutely! It extends to eternity past and eternity future, even in hell. Without God's special kind of love, hell would become a more hellish place than hell is meant to be. I said this in the past.

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