这个Adam Lanza心里不happy
当地居民正在讨论是否永久关闭,或是彻底改造翻新 Sandy Hook Elementary School。
还有关于禁枪控枪,用我女儿的话来说,美国有这么多的人这么久的时期有这么多的枪,一切都已经too late了,何况这背后还牵扯到美国人根深蒂固的自由选择的权利。尽管Obama说的似乎都对,也很动听动情,但她还是持悲观态度,除非上帝亲自动手。
很多事件发生的前因后果,行政当局还在调查之中,还无最后结论。据我女儿说,当地居民已经在反思一件事,就是Adam Lanza心中不happy。现在当地的人都在回忆,Adam Lanza曾经的同学都把他看作一个怪人,都不愿意接近他,很多人嘲笑他,以至他几乎没有朋友,他被边缘化被排除了。这种事情并非仅仅发生在Adam Lanza身上,也发生在其他人的身上。
我女儿的观点,一个人心里不happy,就有可能走极端,反团体,反社会;应该有更多的资源被投入到社会援助,家庭辅导,等等,帮助这些人。同时,我女儿也在问,既如此,为何他母亲还要把 Adam Lanza的生活与枪支弹药联系在一起呢?难道他母亲也有mental illness 吗?
很多人使用 social phenomenon 这个词汇,然而,仅止于此吗?
送交者: 雅1 2012月12月19日13:26:45 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回 答:beiqian:这个Adam Lanza心里不happy 由 beiqian 于2012-12-19 12:25:02
这个Adam Lanza当时是被什么“控制”了,不清楚,似乎也没有必要清楚。
same questions
送交者: Dandelions 2012月12月19日12:36:24 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回 答:beiqian:这个Adam Lanza心里不happy 由 beiqian 于2012-12-19 12:25:02
”为何他母亲还要把 Adam Lanza的生活与枪支弹药联系在一起呢?难道他母亲也有mental illness 吗?“
“Adam Lanza曾经的同学都把他看作一个怪人,都不愿意接近他,很多人嘲笑他,以至他几乎没有朋友,他被边缘化被排除了。”
我前天对我家上高中的老大讲,如果你的同学有什么和常人不同, 要尽力帮助他们,而不是歧视或孤立他们。。。一点点的爱心 或许你能救一个人, 甚至很多人。。。。
送交者: ardmore 2012月12月19日12:57:05 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回 答:same questions 由 Dandelions 于2012-12-19 12:36:24
送交者: 以西缅 2012月12月19日17:58:56 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回 答:一个母亲的来信(今日基督教) 由 ardmore 于2012-12-19 13:35:23
送交者: ardmore 2012月12月19日13:35:23 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回 答:想起了耶稣治疗大麻风病人的故事 由 ardmore 于2012-12-19 12:57:05
My son is nine years old, and he has Asperger's Syndrome.
We discussed on Sunday the events of Sandy Hook. I explained to him, in very honest terms, what had happened, I explained to him that it was suggested that the gunman had the same disorder as he does. And I asked him, very honestly, if he had ever thought about hurting others or hurting himself.
He stated that he sometimes wants to hurt his brother, and sometimes he wishes he could kill his brother. I asked him why he doesn't, and he told me that he doesn't because he doesn't want to get in trouble. I asked him what he does when he feels like hurting his brother. He told me he punches himself in the face.
I am a Christ-follower, and I discuss God with my two boys regularly. We attend church, we have a home bible study group with a dozen people who have taken to care very much for our boys.
But don't begin to presume to tell me, or anyone who is actively living with this kind of mental illness, that it's ONLY a sin issue. I agree, we are all sinners. That's not the point. The point is that you can't begin to know the struggles that a person with a mental illness might have. My son doesn't want to kill his brother because he is evil...he wants to kill his brother because his brain does not have the capacity to understand things like empathy, inherent in so many of us but lacking in his development.
When I asked him about killing his brother, he said that he didn't really want his brother to die...just for him not to be around sometimes. As his father, I know this feeling isn't constant, as he is often happy to play with his brother (and sometimes plot world domination with his brother, as any two brothers might).
Do I fear for my Asperger's son? Yes, I fear that he will not have the full life that many others take for granted, or that his life will be twice as hard as someone who does not have a mental disorder.
Do I fear for his brother? Yes and no. With mental health treatment, my Asperger's son is learning to deal with social situations, and how to deal with the feelings he has when he wants his brother to disappear. So I don't fear that my other son is in physical danger. But I fear that he will never have a full brotherly experience with his brother.
We will continue to seek medical help for my son, just as we seek spiritual help for him and for our family.
读文小结:“Sandy Hook 的枪手是罪还是病?”
送交者: 四季树 2012月12月19日21:03:13 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回 答:越是有病的人,越是需要帮助 由 以西缅 于2012-12-19 17:58:56
我很认真阅读了 “Sandy Hook 的枪手是罪还是病?” 这篇文章,很受益,谢谢beiqian 和 ardmore的分享。
I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother
“we cannot accept the inevitable claims that this young murderer is to be understood as merely sick . . . The sinfulness of sin is never more clearly revealed than when we look into the heart of a crime like this and see the hatred toward God that precedes the murderous hatred he poured out on his little victims.”
作者自己的观点是基督耶稣拥有医治和赦免的能力,他又写到“ it reminds us that sin is both an internal moral choice and an external power.” 但我们生活在罪的权势之下,对罪是没有抵御能力,只有依靠圣灵的大能才能与空中掌权者(恶者)对抗。
Christians cannot offer simple solutions or easy answers in response to the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary. Sin is multifaceted, and we witnessed its long and dark reach on Friday morning. But the salvation offered through Jesus is a healing-salvation for both the victims and the perpetrator of the heinous crime. And the power of sin is countered, and ultimately overcome, by the power of the love of God.
这篇文章写得很有启发性,后面我又阅读了那位爸爸的来信。读他的信 有心碎泪下的感受,尤其其中一段:
But don't begin to presume to tell me, or anyone who is actively living with this kind of mental illness, that it's ONLY a sin issue. I agree, we are all sinners. That's not the point. The point is that you can't begin to know the struggles that a person with a mental illness might have. My son doesn't want to kill his brother because he is evil...he wants to kill his brother because his brain does not have the capacity to understand things like empathy, inherent in so many of us but lacking in his development.