The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Rock 就是不变的标准,可以作强有力的基础,支撑起任何依靠祂的人。我们的人生大厦完全可以放心地建造在祂之上,祂必然拯救我们脱离各样的暴风骤雨的摧残。
18:10 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.
18:11 He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
18:12 At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.
18:27 For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.
18:28 For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
这两段话表明,神对那些不认识祂的人来说就是漆黑一片。但是对那些心里认识祂的人来讲 就如同照亮道路的灯光。 我们因为明白神的话 就看清那些 世人所看不清的道路。
18:43 Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.
这里可以看出,喜欢争论的人显然不是好品性,神喜欢温顺谦卑的人。祂将一个放羊娃 放在世界的最顶端。
19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
既然没有说话,没有声音,天空和每天的生活又是如何显明造物主的知识呢? 我们只要联想到神的话造就所有,就不难看出万物的信息都在通过光 向人们诉说。
21:8 Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.
21:9 Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them.
这句话说明,神通过让敌人内部斗争 来摧毁他们。 在以色列多次面对强大的敌人的同时,当他们求高神,依靠神,神就让那些乌合之众自乱阵脚,如同烈火一般子既然烧起来。