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My suggestion about christian charity
送交者: xinmin 2004年12月14日09:54:00 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

A christian is first and foremost responsible for his local church and community. He is also responsible for whatever social needs wherever the holy spirit leads.

Peixing has been interested for quite sometime in setting up a rainbow charity or something like it to help the needy. Personally I am not for the proposal for administrative and legal reasons. Vincent Yang also mentioned the complexity of setting a non-profit organization.

I suggest that if you have a burden for supporting a particular brother or sister, you can directly ask for his or her corresponding address or even bank account number for wire transfer. You need not wait for others to act with you for others may not have the same burden as you for a particular need. If you feel you need to do it in secrecy, you can do that too indirectly through a third party. Again, genuine love, except sexual love, need not wait. :-)

I was greatly touched by what Dr. Liang Yancheng shared about his effort of helping 800 needy teachers and students in poor rural areas in China. I think if we all can help our own hometown schools in need, that would be truly wonderful.

Setting up the charity database here will help in a small way too, if we are able to match our burden with our willingness and capability.

In sum, I advocate individual help to our hometown or our friends in need, unless some of you have a real burden to set up a charity fundation.

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