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My most recent post on Kim Dav
送交者: johnzwu 2015年09月03日07:53:18 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Kentucky clerk faces judgment day in same-sex marriage dispute


By Steve Bittenbender 3 hours ago  September 3, 2015

(Context omitted)



Joel 2:25-2
And I shall yield to you the years which the locust, bruchus, and rust, and wortworm, my great strength, ate, which I sent into you. (And I shall give back to you the years which the locust, and the bruchus, and rust, and the wortworm, my great host, or my great army, ate, which I sent against you.)
And ye shall eat eating, and ye shall be [ful]filled; and ye shall praise the name of your Lord God, that made marvels with you; and my people shall not be shamed [into] without end. (And ye shall have plenty to eat, and ye shall be fulfilled, or satisfied/and ye shall be filled full; and ye shall praise the name of the Lord your God, who made miracles for you; and my people shall not be shamed forever.)
And ye shall know, that I am in the midst of Israel; and I am your Lord God, and none is more; and my people shall not be shamed [into] without end. (And ye shall know, that I am in the midst of Israel; and I am the Lord your God, and no one is greater; and my people shall not be shamed forever.)

God bless Kim Davis! God save her from Satan's power!








上帝祝福Kim Davis!  上帝保守她免受撒旦权势之害!

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