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送交者: 雪梅 2020年10月08日06:55:28 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

转载:六月维加诺大主教给川普总统的一封信,提出深暗教会概念(Deep Church)

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now


Editor’s note: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has released this powerful letter today to President Trump warning him that the current crises over the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd riots are a part of the eternal spiritual struggle between the forces of good and evil. 

LIFESITE 编者注:大主教卡洛·玛丽亚·维加诺(Carlo Maria Viganò)向川普总统发布了这封有力的信,警告他说:目前有关冠状病毒大流行和乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)暴动的危机是善与恶之间永恒的属灵的战争的一部分。

June 7, 2020

Holy Trinity Sunday



Mr. President,


In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

近几个月来,我们目睹了两个对立势力的形成,我认为这是关乎圣经的:光明之子和黑暗之子。 光明之子是人类最重要的部分,而黑暗之子则只代表绝对的少数。 然而,前者却遭到歧视,被置于道德劣势,而他们的对手却经常在政府、政治、经济和媒体中担任战略要职。 恶者和那些出于个人利益或恐惧而帮助他们的人在以令人费解的方式绑架良善的人。

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

这两方面关乎圣经的本质:遵循着女人的后代与蛇的后代之间的明显分离。 一方面,有些人虽然有上千个缺点和弱点,但他们的动机是要行善,他们诚实、养家、努力工作、繁荣家园,他们帮助有需要的人,并顺从上帝的律法,配得天国。 另外一面,有些人只为自己服务、没有任何道德准则,他们想要摧毁家庭和国家、剥削工人使自己暴富、煽动内部分裂和战争,为自己聚敛权力和金钱: 对他们而言,如果他们不悔改,有一天他们暂时的幸福幻想将由等待他们的可怕命运来接替,远离上帝,活在永恒的诅咒中。

In society, Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans. They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions. The investigations already under way will reveal the true responsibility of those who managed the Covid emergency not only in the area of health care but also in politics, the economy, and the media. We will probably find that in this colossal operation of social engineering there are people who have decided the fate of humanity, arrogating to themselves the right to act against the will of citizens and their representatives in the governments of nations.

总统先生,这两个对立面作为永恒的敌人在社会上并存,就像上帝和撒但是永恒的敌人一样。看起来,黑暗之子 (我们可以很容易地将它们等同于您明智地反对的深层政府,他们在向您展开激烈的攻击)已经决定亮出底牌,可以这么说,现在正在显露他们的计划。他们似乎确定已经掌控了一切,不再对他们的真实意图遮遮掩掩。目前正在进行的调查将揭示:处理新冠病毒紧急情况的人员的真正责任,不仅仅在医疗保健领域,也在政治、经济和媒体领域。我们可能会发现,在社会工程的这一巨大运作中,有些人想要决定人类的命运,狂妄自大地认为有权利采取行动,违背公民及其在国家政府中的代表的意愿。 

We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population. The same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony. It is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state and who expresses those goals faithfully and with conviction. It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.

我们还将发现,这些天的暴动是由那些人激起的,他们看到病毒在不可避免地消退,对大流行病的社会警钟也正在减弱,就一定要激起内乱,因为随后他们将受到镇压, 尽管是合法的,但可以被用作谴责对人民无理压制的理由。 欧洲也发生了同样的事情,完全同步。 显然,使用街头抗议活动有助于那些希望在即将举行的总统选举中推举能忠实体现和实施深层政府的目标的人当选。 如果在几个月后我们再次获悉,在这些破坏和暴力行为背后隐藏着那些希望从社会秩序瓦解中获利,从而建立一个没有自由的世界的人,将不足为奇。 像共济会的格言教导的那样:Solve et Coagula (拉丁语:分解和凝聚)。

Although it may seem disconcerting, the opposing alignments I have described are also found in religious circles. There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere. It is a spiritual battle, which I spoke about in my recent Appeal which was published on May 8.

令人不安的是,在宗教界也发现了我所描述的两方对立。 有忠实的牧羊人关怀看顾基督的羊群,但也有一些唯利是图的异教徒,他们试图驱散羊群,把羊交给被狼群吞噬。 毫无疑问,这些唯利是图者是黑暗之子的盟友,讨厌光明之子,就像有深层政府一样,也有黑暗的教会背叛了自己的应有职责,在上帝面前背弃了自己的承诺。 因此,对于隐形的敌人,正如良善的掌权者在公共事务中争战一样,良善的牧羊人也在教会领域里争战。 这是一场属灵的战争,我已经在58日发布的最近的《呼吁》中谈到了。

For the first time, the United States has in you a President who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship. Your participation in the March for Life, and more recently your proclamation of the month of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, are actions that confirm which side you wish to fight on. And I dare to believe that both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons.

美国有史以来第一次有像您这样的总统:勇敢地捍卫生命权,勇于谴责全世界对基督徒的迫害,讲论耶稣基督和公民享有信仰自由的权利。 您参与为生命游行活动,以及最近宣布四月为全国预防虐待儿童月,这些行动可以明确表明您与哪一方共同战斗。我相信尽管我们使用的武器不同,我们两个人在这场战斗中站在同一边。

For this reason, I believe that the attack to which you were subjected after your visit to the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II is part of the orchestrated media narrative which seeks not to fight racism and bring social order, but to aggravate dispositions; not to bring justice, but to legitimize violence and crime; not to serve the truth, but to favor one political faction. And it is disconcerting that there are Bishops – such as those whom I recently denounced – who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side. They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of schools, out of families, and perhaps even out of churches.

因此,我相信您在访问圣若望保禄二世国家朝圣地之后遭受的攻击是精心策划的舆论攻击的一部分,这些舆论的目的不是要与种族主义作斗争并带来社会秩序,而是要加剧分歧; 不是为了伸张正义,而是为了使暴力和犯罪合法化; 不是为了奉行真理,而是为了偏袒某一个政治党派。 令人不安的是,有些主教(例如我最近谴责的那些主教)用他们的话证明他们在对立的一面。 他们屈服于深层政府、全球化、统一思想、新世界秩序,他们打着博爱之名,但与基督信仰没有任何关系,只是为了激起有些人的共济会理想, 他们想要把上帝逐出法庭、逐出学校、逐出家庭,甚至逐出教堂以统治世界。 

The American people are mature and have now understood how much the mainstream media does not want to spread the truth but seeks to silence and distort it, spreading the lie that is useful for the purposes of their masters. However, it is important that the good – who are the majority – wake up from their sluggishness and do not accept being deceived by a minority of dishonest people with unavowable purposes. It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard. What more effective way is there to do this, Mr. President, than by prayer, asking the Lord to protect you, the United States, and all of humanity from this enormous attack of the Enemy? Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.

美国人民是成熟的,现在已经知道主流媒体并不想传播真相,却试图窒息和歪曲事实、散布对他们的主人有用的谎言。 但是,重要的是,占多数的良善的人要从自己的糊涂呆滞中醒来,不被别有用心的少数不诚实的人所欺骗。 良善的人、光明之子必须联合起来发声。 总统先生,有什么比祈祷:祈求主保护您、美国和全人类免受敌人的这种巨大袭击,更有效的方法呢? 在祷告的力量之前,黑暗之子的欺骗将崩溃瓦解,他们的阴谋将被揭露,他们的背叛将被彰显,他们看起来令人恐惧的力量将化为乌有、被揭露并显现出来:那是地狱的欺骗。

Mr. President, my prayer is constantly turned to the beloved American nation, where I had the privilege and honor of being sent by Pope Benedict XVI as Apostolic Nuncio. In this dramatic and decisive hour for all of humanity, I am praying for you and also for all those who are at your side in the government of the United States. I trust that the American people are united with me and you in prayer to Almighty God.

总统先生,我持续不断地为美国这个备受爱戴的国家祷告,我有幸受到教皇本笃十六世的任命成为这里的教廷大使。 在全人类这个决定性的时刻,我正在为您以及在美国政府中站在您身边的所有人祈祷。 我相信,美国人民通过向全能的上帝祈祷与我和你同在一起。

United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.


Carlo Maria Viganò




原文链接: https://gnews.org/zh-hans/230258/


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