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送交者: 谨守 2020年12月25日14:55:08 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

in depth: The Eternal Generation of the Son

Many theologians in the history of the church have supported the doctrine called the eternal generation of the Son. Likely deriving from Origen, the phrase denotes the inter-Trinitarian relationship between the Father and the Son. “Generation” suggests that there is a divine sonship prior to the incarnation, and that there is a clear distinction of persons within the one Godhead (see comments on 5:26). The doctrine is affirmed in confessions like the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (AD 381) and post-Reformation statements like the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF 2.3). The doctrine is strongly supported by 1:18, especially the use of the term long but wrongly translated as “only begotten” (μονογενής). Since the term is more accurately translated as “unique Son,” support for the doctrine in recent years has decreased. Some have even claimed the doctrine lacks biblical support.

Although our interpretation of the term “unique Son” (μονογενής) goes against the idea of “only begotten,” and therefore distances that term from the concept of “generation” (see comments on 1:14), there is no reason to deny the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son. The eternal generation of the Son is not best drawn from a few dubious proof texts but is rooted in a rigorous and comprehensive Trinitarian hermeneutic. Scripture’s subject matter depicts the Trinitarian relationship between the Father and the Son in a manner that is nicely summarized by the doctrine of eternal generation.166 The idea of eternal generation corresponds fittingly to what God has shown of himself in his own eternal being (the imminent Trinity). For “God has given form and order to the history of salvation because he intends not only to save us through it but also to reveal himself through it. The economy is shaped by God’s intention to communicate his identity and character.” And when the Son and Holy Spirit are depicted in human history, they behave as they truly are: “Their eternal personalities, we might say, are exhibited here in time.”168 Thus, the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son can rightly be drawn from the subject matter of Scripture, with 1:18 giving a glimpse into the very nature of God and the intimate union between God the Father and God the Son.

Klink, E. W., III. (2016). John. (C. E. Arnold, Ed.) (p. 119). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

  eternal generation of the Son. - repentant 12/25/20 (214)
    这就是异端的表述了: - 谨守 12/25/20 (211)
        我一再告诉你“道”与“耶稣”不是两个不同的位格☝  /无内容 - 谨守 12/25/20 (199)
          同一位格就完全一样了吗?啊?道显现与不显现是一样的? - repentant 12/25/20 (222)
            哦,您这大碗的意思是:道原有肉身,只是没有“显现”出来 - 谨守 12/25/20 (201)
              哈哈,大家看看这话有多蠢。只有混蛋才能说出来。认错!  /无内容 - repentant 12/25/20 (218)
  子在永恒里是父之子的证据之一 - 谨守 12/25/20 (230)
    胡说八道,这怎么就支持了你的结论?? - repentant 12/25/20 (194)
      父啥时候有生命的?子啥时候有生命的?  /无内容 - 谨守 12/25/20 (211)
        像你这种把神爱世人改成神爱选民的,搞出什么异端,都不奇怪:)  /无内容 - repentant 12/25/20 (197)
        父怎样在自己有生命,就赐给他儿子也照样在自己有生命 - repentant 12/25/20 (202)
            这是结论,是对的。但那经文不支持这一点。懂吗?  /无内容 - repentant 12/25/20 (208)
              这结论忽然又对了?那节经文那是说啥呢?  /无内容 - 谨守 12/25/20 (195)
                认错吧.  /无内容 - repentant 12/25/20 (195)
        谁说的?做梦吧。强奸文字嘛。哪有那个意思??  /无内容 - repentant 12/25/20 (203)
  嗯,那个也看了一下,一会过去学习。 - 追求永生 12/25/20 (199)
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