Let me crack it to cheer you up. |
送交者: xinmin 2006年02月22日23:24:41 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
来, 我们查考圣经, 约翰一书5:3 圣经上的话当然绝对准确, 那神的诫命不难守是什么意思?怎样才能做到很容易地守神的诫命? 谁有高见? Paul said it well in Romans 6. Just as we were used to being slaves to sin, now we are slave to righteousness. It takes obedience in both cases. In as much as we were obedient to the ravaging rule of sinning, now we are obedient to the empowering rule of the holy spirit. If we ever knew how to sin by the pull of evil spirit, now we know how to not sin by the power of the holy spirit. Certainly the power of the holy spirit is no less than that of the evil spirit. Our willful obedience to which spirit will help tilt the balance. If it is not difficult to sin, then it follows that it is also not difficult to not sin. Our love to God is reflected in our willful obedience to the holy spirit. It takes as much willful obedience to not sin. |
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