墨西哥女郎 |
送交者: 江灵飏 2018年05月06日19:46:39 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话 |
隔着小小的圣安东尼奥河*,她跟我相望、相笑、对舞起来。应了打赏的游客要求,她跳的是古典西班牙舞。我跟不上,就半路改跳了牛仔舞,赚来游客的阵阵哄笑。我,脱下牛仔帽,鞠躬,向游客聊表谢意。随即,猛然地、把手中的牛仔帽往对岸抛去,但落水。她踢掉舞鞋,掀起榴裙,涉江采帽。采得了,就高举起哪湿漉漉的牛仔帽,向我、向游客挥动。然后转身戴上它,继续舞之蹈之,裸足之。游客欢呼,男士头上有帽子的,都摘下来抛给她。 当夜,发觉怀中的她哪天堂般的雪白胸脯上刺有一滴蓝。忍不住,吻下去。 要吻干墨西哥的泪么?她没有问。 她依。 —————————————————————————— *位于德克萨斯州南部,河畔有著名的 La Villita(小乡)露天歌舞场。 … English Version RIO On the other side of the little San Antonio River she challenged me to be her fandango dance partner. I could do better than just swinging. I alone earned all the boos and jeers the fandango world could dispense. Taking a bow nonetheless, I tipped my cowboy hat, then tossing it to her in no time. It fell short, sinking unceremoniously in the giggling water. Not good. Not bad either. The wake of a passing excursion boat swept my half-sunk headgear aside to within a few feet away from her side. Before I knew it, her dance shoes dropped and my dripping hat was held up high. She cared to try it on——size didn’t matter. Men’s hats started flying around her. Shoeless, she resumed dancing, soon joined by me, a new cross-river swimming champion. Later that night I couldn’t help but embrace her ever so masculinely, nearly missing a blue teardrop on the virgin snow of her heavenly bosom. I already knew that she was from the other side of the Rio Grande. —— 江灵飏 |
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2016: | 红叶:纽约八年(21)-第七章 谜底(1)&(2 | |
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