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送交者: 萬湖小舟1 2018年08月25日13:47:40 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話

漢譯英歌曲: 長路漫漫陪你走


"長路漫漫陪你走"這首歌有人將歌名改為"風風雨雨陪你一起走",並宣稱是2018年最好聽的歌。去聽了一下感覺曲調真得好聽,歌詞情真意切。是不是2018年最好聽的歌? 沒有調查過,但覺得這個改名的歌詞更感人一些。


長路漫漫陪你走 (Accompanying you on a long long road)

作詞/作曲:王建榮  Lyricist/Composer: Jianrong Wang

翻譯:    萬湖小舟  Translation: Xiaozhou Wanhu

茫茫人海難得一聚首 Rare to get together in a sea of people

花開花謝能有幾春秋 Through how many springs and autumns can flowers bloom and wither

心若相知莫要相負  If you know my heart, never turn your back on me

山高水長與你共攜手 Hand in hand with you for as long as mountains stand and rivers flow

滾滾紅塵難得一回眸 Difficult to get a glimpse in the surge of red dust

潮起潮落能有幾回收 Through how many rises and falls can tides repeat

情若相依莫要離分  If you love me, never leave me

天涯海角與你常相守 Will always be with you wherever you will go

長路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road

明月清風共醉這杯酒 Drunk of this glass of wine together under the bright moon and light breeze

不管人生多少煩和憂 No matter how much trouble and worry in life

地老天荒愛無盡頭  Love is endless until the end of the world

長路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road

風風雨雨也不回頭  Regardless of strong winds and heavy rain, don't turn back

不問世間多少苦與愁 Don't question how much pain and worry exist in this world

相依相伴直到永久  Depend on each other forever

相依相伴直到永久  Depend on each other forever

滾滾紅塵難得一回眸 Difficult to get a glimpse in the surge of red dust

潮起潮落能有幾回收 Through how many rises and falls can tides repeat

情若相依莫要離分  If you love me,never leave me

天涯海角與你常相守 Will always be with you wherever you will go

長路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road

明月清風共醉這杯酒 Drunk of this glass of wine together under the bright moon and light breeze

不管人生多少煩和憂 No matter how much trouble and worry in life

地老天荒愛無盡頭  Love is endless until the end of the world

長路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road

風風雨雨也不回頭  Regardless of strong winds and heavy rain, don't turn back

不問世間多少苦與愁 Don't question how much pain and worry exist in this world

相依相伴直到永久  Depend on each other forever

相依相伴直到永久  Depend on each other forever

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