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I'll survive
送交者: Being There 2009年09月28日02:33:59 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話

One day, after midnight, after many futile attempts on what'soever, just before the sun rises, it is on your way driving home( if there is any, if you call the place where you crash as home), in this rental car, after a boring and random chating with a stranger from an other island at a loathed shitty local bar, where full of Hispanic and black shits hanging out, it is on your way back to where you consitantly celebrating you insomnia, maybe it's also because the wine messes  with your mind, you FINALLY realize that, LIFE, since long time ago, although you tried so hard to refuse to admit, but, the fact is that, LIFE is  not about how to enjoy it anymore.

It is now about HOW TO SURVIVE.

It's about survive.

How can I


Why should I?

Do I really want to?

為了天空飛翔的小鳥, 為了林間奔流的小溪, 為了寬闊的草原, 流浪遠方, 流浪。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

還有還有, 為了夢中的橄欖樹, 橄欖樹, 流浪。。。。。。。。。。。








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