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Looks like rain
送交者: Being There 2010年02月10日18:57:29 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話


謹以此歌獻給Thom Manno

七年前聽到這首Grateful Dead 歌,如此悽美,對朋友說,將來我死了,就把這首歌做我的funeral song. 那個朋友聽了覺得這主意不錯,因為他為自己葬禮選的歌也是Grateful Dead 的, 叫Morning Dew。


這是我這幾天最真切的感受,The rain is gonna come, oh it surely looks like rain.

看上去象雨,看上去象雨。。。。。。心情被這場雨澆的很濕,想來,這首歌的淒涼和美麗,和Thom的離去一樣傷,一樣沉。 就把這首歌送給先走的人吧!!!


Awoke today, felt your side of the bed;
The covers were still warm where you been layin'.
You were gone, oh gone, my heart was filled with dread;
You might not be sleeping here again.
But it's alright cause I love you, and that's not going to change.
Run me around and make me hurt again and again.
But I'll still sing you love songs, written in the letters of your name.
The rain is gonna come, oh it surely looks like rain

Did you ever waken to the sound of street cats making love?
You guess from the cries you were listening to a fight.
Well you know, oh know, haste is the last thing they're thinking of.
You know they're only tryin' to make it thru the night.

I only want to hold you, I don't want to tie you down
Or fit you in the lines I might've drawn.
It's just that I, oh I, have gotten used to havin' you around.
The landscape would be empty, if you were gone;
But it's alright cause I love you, and that's not going to change.
Run me around and make me hurt again and again.
But I'll still sing you love songs, written in the letter of your name.
The rain is gonna come, oh it surely looks like rain.


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