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Down but out Not
送交者: 行歌 2003年06月08日22:22:10 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話

Down and out not
I have to speak to myself

Several times
should be enough
for a naive become vapour
with a penny in my back
I'm down
but out? NOT!

A few times
I got that
life is a battle field
You gain or you lose
Like the slogan
" It's juntle outside,
Sharpen you teeth."
Like the phase
" It's dog eat dog world"

To me it's always fault
Hard to realize,
Feel said to say,
I wanna be out of those.

Battled to keep my faith,
then fell,
then lost.
Never won.
I down,
In all sentiment.
Thinking of out, I started to cry.

It's like a pain from my bone
Not to be me to escape
Being me to struggle?
Swirling to insane,
I struggle.
Be colluded, ease all?
Be numb, enjoy comfortable?

It's NOT MY life,
I'm down, but will NOT out.
I stand up as a man,
will never give it up.
with my last drop of blood,
I fight back
in the name of my vow.

Down but out NOT.

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