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a poem written by a friend
送交者: 采蝶軒 2002年02月24日18:32:28 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話

i found a galaxy of sorrow, spirals
through your eyes. it shines, it hides
behind an ocean that cannot
contain it, cannot dissolve it, cannot
shame the brilliance of its glow.
in that dim pulse waits proof of beauty,
the echoes of your life. and i,

a world unknown to you, watch silently.
resting in awe of this new oddity, delighting
in poems of thought.. of languages creating
themselves without the vanity of audience.
i dream your galaxy invites me in spite
of time and space and logic. and these worlds
will collapse into ashes of planets and we
can dance on gravity.

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