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申时行: Sonnet X
送交者: 万尊 2008年09月10日12:10:40 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话
If in another world you so lov'd me, Does this lend you enough excuse for you, To spew from your fangs such long prepar'd dew, To make me dazzle in a dizzy spree? You don't need to tell me why you did it. I can guess there's a reason for any fit, Of your progressively violent hate, For I know too well it's just due to fate. You certainly lov'd me in the other world, But that only made you even more bold. You knew I'd never betray a friend, That helps you to go for your funny end. Perhaps betrayal is more than it seems. Perhaps it can fulfill more than it deems.
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