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送交者: zt转贴 2005年03月23日15:58:26 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

Be Happy (ZT)

I had a dream yesterday night,
I saw your sad face and your pale eyes
I don’t know how I should do
except anxiety and crying.

Could you tell me how you are now?
Could you give me a clue that is real?
Whenever I saw your sad face
I feel more painful than you will.

When I saw you but can’t reach you,
The happiness and sadness around me
You are my honey, my spirit and my tree,
I would like to see that you are delighted,

I know that sometimes I am willfulness,
I understand there is a space between us
But I still hope you can sit beside me
As before that you embraced me.

I always dream of there are only you and me
But I know that only you are happy
and so am I
I will be fine; please don’t worry about me,
Please be happy and relaxed
I just can’t stop thinking of you.

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