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Your pleasure is my pressure
送交者: jingchen 2020年02月17日07:47:52 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

Your pleasure is my pressure

You take great  pleasure 
Dining in a fine restaurant
You demand fast, courteous service 
I am serving many customers 
At the same time 
I am struggling to keep up the pace
Your pleasure is my pressure 

Your take great pleasure 
Feeling high
From injecting cocaine
I have to work hard 
To cough up all the taxes
That support your doctors and social workers 
Your pleasure is my pressure 

You take great pleasure 
Showering your benevolence 
To help the helpless
I was stripped off
All my shirts and pants
Until I am utterly helpless
Your pleasure is my pressure 

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