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The Unbearable Lightness of Being (2)
送交者: jingchen 2020年10月12日07:49:39 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera (2)

The practice of communism is brutal. The idea of communism is beautiful. Many people say that they fight for the idea of communism. But unfortunately communism was hijacked by some bad guys like Stalin and Mao.

The book asked such a simple question: Should we be responsible for the crimes we committed if we claim we are working toward a beautiful idea?

All the evidence indicates that the production of corn based biofuels is very pollutive. Yet all the environmentally conscious people couragely ignore the evidence. All the evidence indicates that the production of solar panel is very pollutive. Yet all the environmentally conscious people couragely ignore the evidence. All the evidence indicates that the production of car battery is very pollutive. Yet all the environmentally conscious people couragely ignore the evidence.

If we claim we are fighting for a beautiful idea, should we be responsible for the crimes we committed? Instead, people are rewarded handsomely for their crimes. Biofuels were heavily subsidized. People involved got very rich. But the ensuing higher food prices caused many riots and costed many lives. The production of solar panels and batteries is very pollutive. Many people died an early death because of the heavy pollution and overwork. Should these environmental conscious people be responsible for their heinous crimes? Instead, they are lauded for their moral superiority.

Should we be responsible for the crimes we committed if we proclaim our ignorance? At the same time, we are actively destroying the careers and lives of those few who try to raise these questions.

Precisely because the book is so relevant today, it is largely ignored in the mainstream media.

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