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送交者: 采蝶轩 2002年10月17日18:33:21 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

The Corrs

Go on, go on
Leave me breathless
Come on

The daylight's fading slowly
The time with you is standing still
I'm waiting for you only
The slightest touch and I feel weak

I cannot lie
From you I can not hide
I'm losing will to try
Can't hide it
Can't fight it

So go on, go on
Come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me
'Till I can't deny this
Loving feeling
Let me long for your kiss
Go on, go on
Yeah come on

And if there's no tomorrow
And all we have is here and now
I'm happy just to have you
You're all the love I need somehow

It's like a dream
Although I'm not asleep
I never want to wake up
Don't lose it
Don't leave it

So go on, go on
Come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me
'Till I can't deny this
Loving feeling
Let me long for your kiss
Go on, go on
Yeah come on

And I can't lie
From you I can not hide
I've lost my will to try
Can't hide it
Can't fight it

So go on, go on
Come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me
'Till I can't deny this
Loving feeling
Make me long for your kiss

Go on, go on
Come on leave me breathless
Go on, go on
Come on leave me breathless
Go on, go on
Come on leave me breathless
Go on, go on

The Corrs,不知道中文名字是什么。初听这个乐队的歌,是那首”Everybody Hurts”,翻唱R.E.M的。那夜风轻,近乎清唱的声线不经意间就丝丝地渗进心里,是一种不加雕琢的纯美。 Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes… So, hold on, hold on…”


这个被誉为“爱尔兰第一团体”的乐队,成立于1990年,由Corrs四兄妹组成。Andrea,虽然是团内的老幺,却是灵魂人物 – 主唱; Caroline, 二姐,很少看到女孩玩鼓能玩得如此令人赏心悦目的,更何况还是个窈窕美女;Sharon,大姐,负责小提琴; Jim, 大哥,负责键盘、吉他。也许是因为原来就是手足,她们的合音自然也就和谐无比。Corrs的风格是间于爱尔兰优美的民族音乐和摇滚曲风之间,配上Andrea干净清澈的声线和不可避免的阴柔印象,令她们在乐坛上独树一帜。

记得一次他们作为音乐嘉宾做客Saturday Night Live,对于以前只停留在平面影像上的Corrs,才有了一个立体完整的认识。三朵姐妹花的艳丽让人不能不折服于她们的魅力。外形最抢眼的Andrea更是在乐队频繁的演出中挤出时间参与了电影“Evita”的演出,饰演Juan Peron的情妇。

和其他成名乐队一样,The Corrs有许多经典的歌曲,如伴有幽远风笛的“Dreams”,“So Young”,“What Can I Do”,等等。获格莱美提名的“Breathless”出自他们的2000年的专辑“In Blue”中,它也成为The Corrs 纪念他们同年去世的母亲的专辑,其中收录有他们专门为父亲写的歌“No More Cry”。



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