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An old tree in the Oval
送交者: sun8am 2009年07月22日04:33:36 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

An old tree in the Oval ---6/24/2008

An ugly old tree in the Oval
    bents its trunk reached the ground
  seems to beg God gives its life.

And in spring all its branches bloom pink

  Seems to announce it is still alive

Greeting to neighbors the struggle existence


Do not belittle its bent torso
 since so many geniuses climbed up its trunk
 neglect its burden and mercy bent it.

Do not laugh at its ugliness
 so many beauties from Hughes Hall adore it
 affettuoso serenade seduce it days and nights


Gratitude for heaven gives these
 with great enthusiasm it is proudly blooming all life.

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