做生不如做熟。Yes, for sure.
This is my first term staying in a same school for the second year. It became the fast term and the easiest term for me in all my teaching period so far, therefore I have to agree that 做生不如做熟 的说法。
Review last year this time that I started with very good feeling and every thing s too good to be truth. Few weeks later, every thing has changed and proved that “Nothing is perfect” and “It was too good be truth”.
For me, colleagues from very friendly and helpful to suddenly became Strangers. And a very clear message was given to me that we are just colleagues not friends here.
Pupils also started with amazing good behaviours in all my teaching groups turned into having some very challenge behaviours. Two students in a high level group were excluded due to continuing distrusted and challenged me in the lessons. Few pupils’ parents have complained about me being too crude to their son, or not given as high grade as what they though it should be to their daughter. (It sounds that I am an awful teacher. In fact, some parents love to pick on the new teachers in the school. They believed in whatever their children told them. In those cases, the children just made up some excuses to their parents that why they did not get high grade of why they did not do the homework. The parents rather believed how brilliant their children are than the fact how badly they behaved in the lessons. )
By now, you can imagine that my stress came from both sides my colleagues and the pupils. Plus it started with too good illustrations, it make me 有种HOPE望越大失望越大的感觉。That was my last year and first year teaching in the school. I was so unhappy and the time went very slow in that first term.
Let’s move on and learn from my experience, I now, became much more confident in front of my all teaching classes, and I have better prepared relationship 心态to face my colleagues as well as understood that we are just colleagues , not friends in here. As I have built very good friend relationship with my previous colleagues both the first and the second schools I have been in. It took me so long to believe that. Now I knew it is better to believe it, and it helps.
This year, from SEP, as I am not new to the school any more, parents complains disappear, on anther hands, some very good feedback and comments from the parents instead. At the same time, I became more familiar with pupils, school procedurals and policy, the environment and the projects I teach. I have to say that my good reputation have been built. Hope all those good stuff and my loyalty continuing, and even grow better in the coming terms and years.
So far, for sure, I agree 还是做生不如做熟啊。
However, compare with last two schools, I do missing something about them. I missed very much good friendship in my second school and VIP support from the IT department with excellent ICT equipments for my own classroom. Compare with the second school, the first one hasn’t have that much to be missed apart from good support from the technician and has one very good friendship with one of my colleagues, oh, and the projectors in ever room I taught.
Those are the things missing in here. But as I said before, “nothing is perfect”, at least I feel very confident, relaxing and enjoying teaching in here because having good behaviours and clever pupils here. I feel rewarding by see them progress and have very high grades. Every thing has its advantages and disadvantages; it is really depend on what you are looking for and what you want most. There is also a saying “the other side of grass always greener”. 也如我们所说的,“当你拥有时不会珍惜, 当失去后才觉得可贵。”
To conclude, I should stick in here for few more years. Same advice to the people who are not very happy with your job/ company, you need to consider what you are really looking for and you have got in here, not just look at the good side of the others. However good it is, there are always something bad side behind it.