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CANDLE IN THE WIND (獻给已故戴安娜王妃)
送交者: 天边一朵雲 2003年09月01日19:23:13 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

Elton john

Goodbye Norma Jean,

Thought I never Knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled,

They crawled out of the woodwork,

And they whispered into your brain

They set you on the treadmill

And they made you change your name.

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in,

And i would have liked to have known you

But i was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did.

Loneliness wat tough,

The toughest role you ever played.

Hollywood created a superstar

And pain was the price you paid

Even when you died

The press still hounded you

All the papers had to say

WAS that Marilyn WAS found in the nude

Goodbye Norma Jean,

Thought i never knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled

Goodbye Norma Jean,

Though i never knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled

Goodbye Norma Jean

From the young man in the 22nd row

Who sees you as something more than sexual

More than jus t our Marilyn Moroe .

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