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The purpose of 96' Olympics
送交者: CyberCat 2008月08月25日10:32:54 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 奥运开得富丽堂皇,偶一方面赞不绝口,一方面摇头不已jinji 于 2008-08-25 10:25:02
was to benefit local business and to make as much as money as possible. On the other hand, 08' Beijing Olympics is to showcase the country and culture. Granted, tons of money and resources were spent, but the goodwills the Olympics has generated and will generate is beyond your wildest imagination.
  不就是面子工程的再包装吗 - jinji 08/25/08 (187)
      36年纽伦堡奥运会也是空前的辉煌  /无内容 - jinji 08/25/08 (181)
        (摇头)同学啊,纽伦堡奥运会这说法是你发明的吗?  /无内容 - 麻衣神道 08/25/08 (142)
          偶老啦,把纽伦堡党代会和柏林奥运会混啦 - jinji 08/25/08 (129)
        He he, keep on going... - CyberCat 08/25/08 (163)
          I think we all pray that - 卖国政府 08/25/08 (172)
            Go read Chinese History again. - CyberCat 08/25/08 (162)
              what is the difference btw - 卖国政府 08/25/08 (139)
                无知者无畏。。。呵呵,我就不多说了  /无内容 - CyberCat 08/25/08 (157)
                  嘿嘿,无知的是你才对!  /无内容 - 卖国政府 08/25/08 (160)
                    He he, go ask the Jews - CyberCat 08/25/08 (148)
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