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slef evaluation
送交者: turf 2008月09月03日10:04:49 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 沙龙08FNFL选秀简评ztyixia 于 2008-09-03 07:16:10
ROUND 1: 10 Randy Moss, NE Team DCUnited
Our plan is to get 3WR and 1 RB in the first 4 rounds, if Moss is not available, we will pick Portis.

ROUND 2: 15 Marshawn Lynch, Buf Team DCUnited
The only top-tier RB left, we're happy to get him.

ROUND 3: 34 Laurence Maroney, NE Team DCUnited
With Moss and Lynch in hand, we think about getting the most famous IR player Named Smith and Marshall in round 3 and 4. The alternative plan is to get Bush. While I was still thinking, the computer picked Moroney for us. It's not bad, specially with a disappointing 2007, I think he will bounce back a little bit. As long as he is healthy, we're OK.

ROUND 4: 39 Steve Smith*, Car Team DCUnited
We had Moss in 2006, but he excelled in 2007. We had Smith in 2007, but he disappeared because his QB disappeared. We're more than happy to get his service again specially in round4.

ROUND 5: 58 Fred Taylor, Jac Team DCUnited
While still thinking to get a WR, I saw Tony Gonzalez is still available, I pushed him to top of list, then I start to think about the next round. The computer landed us Taylor. But fortune or misfortune is just one click away.

ROUND 6: 63 Dwayne Bowe, KC Team DCUnited
It's our 3rd WR time. Bowe will not disappoint us.

ROUND 7: 82 Kevin Smith, Det Team DCUnited
It's the time for QB or TE for us, but not feeling well with the available options. We really like Smith as a darkhorse this year. If we picked as planned (3WR and 1RB in first 4 round). We probably picked Smith in round 5/6.

ROUND 8: 87 Vikings D/ST, Min Team DCUnited
Very happy to get Vikings DEF.

ROUND 9: 106 David Garrard, Jac Team DCUnited
Because we are still regretting our early pick for Bulger last year, we fell we will just use 2QB in later round for this year. We're more than happy to get Garrard. Sorry Tufu.

ROUND 10: 111 Owen Daniels, Hou Team DCUnited
We probably should wait longer to get TE, 2nd QB is a better option for us. But we're hoping to have Warner available later.

ROUND 11: 130 Bryant Johnson, SF Team DCUnited
Very bad pick, typically I was shocked Warner was only one spot away.

ROUND 12:135 Javon Walker, Oak Team DCUnited
Take some gambling here. It's 12th round already.

ROUND 13:154 Vince Young, Ten Team DCUnited
Not too much choice left. We will see how Young is going to develop.

ROUND 14:159 Mason Crosby, GB Team DCUnited
Very happy to get Crosby.
  第4轮还能抓到Steve Smith是个奇迹 /无内容 - 游击联队 09/03/08 (125)
  首联起码抢了我们三个大家伙, - 袈裟道人 09/03/08 (116)
  你们选的很好 - ztyixia 09/03/08 (173)
    大师上次用元帅尝到甜头了。 - 袈裟道人 09/03/08 (161)
      元帅年轻,他和他的QB都还有不小的上升空间。 - LifeMaster 09/03/08 (142)
    Dashi Hao - turf 09/03/08 (169)
      Even if I pass on Marshall, - LifeMaster 09/03/08 (161)
        是的,Marshall如果第3轮到俺这不会错过 - ztyixia 09/03/08 (144)
          Thanks for organizing this - turf 09/03/08 (126)
            为村民服务:) - ztyixia 09/03/08 (127)
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