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sooner is better than later
送交者: fdbk 2008月10月24日11:12:14 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 今天早晨找了一间garage给免费查了查,是icecold 于 2008-10-24 10:52:12
If the EGR valve is stuck open, it will essentially cause a vacuum leak, leading to inefficient combustion, rough idling, hesitation, and sometimes stalling in extreme cases. This is because the car cannot combust on carbon dioxide from the tailpipe alone-it needs atmospheric oxygen as well. If the combustion chamber is flooded with exhaust from an open EGR valve, it will not function properly. To check and see if the EGR valve is stuck open, have someone idle a parked vehicle with the brake on while you examine the plunger shaft to see if it is stuck open.

If the EGR valve is stuck closed, emissions of nitrogen oxides will rise, and the car may start to knock. Spark knock happens when the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber ignites before it has been reached by the explosion in the cylinder, resulting in a disruption of the engine timing. In this instance, the engine should be warmed up and revved to see if the EGR valve will move.

In both cases, simple repairs are possible. The EGR valve can be clogged, and a simple cleaning of a mechanical EGR valve may solve the problem. In the case of an electrically controlled EGR valve or a more complex mechanical problem, replacement of the valve may be needed. The EGR valve is an expensive motor vehicle component, and care should be taken to ensure that it needs to be replaced rather than repaired. A reputable mechanic should advise you appropriately.

Failure to repair or replace the EGR valve will not lead to a life threatening condition, although it will reduce the life of your car and increase the potential emissions.
  如果是valve的问题,当然要当心。 - 袈裟道人 10/24/08 (187)
    Garage说是要换both - fdbk 10/24/08 (208)
      我上次 - 袈裟道人 10/24/08 (145)
      这要看情况。 - 袈裟道人 10/24/08 (53)
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