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送交者: xxlfm 2017月06月08日12:33:48 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 今日最流弊的流言!xxlfm 于 2017-06-08 12:24:45

【美国JRs之声】美骑士球迷:酒吧遇到皮尔斯,他拒绝跟我合影还说勒布朗时代结束了  由 OPSP1203 发表在虎扑篮球·湿乎乎的话题 https://bbs.hupu.com/vote

Met Paul Pierce at a bar in Cleveland today (self.nba)


BornAndBredBuckeye 於 5小時前 發表

He refused to take a pic with me and my friends because some of us were wearing Cavs shirts. I thought that was lame. He also said this is the end of the LBJ era and the beginning of the KD era. He also randomly said Westbrook is the most athletic player he has ever seen.

皮尔斯拒绝了跟我和我朋友们合影, 因为我们当中有人穿着骑士的T恤。 我觉得这也太差劲了吧。 皮尔斯还跟我说这是勒布朗时代的结束, 杜兰特时代的开端。  他还随意地提到威少是他见过运动能力最强的球员。

[–]CavaliersBornAndBredBuckeye[S] 40 指標 4小時前 

Totally forgot to mention this: Stephon Marbury was there too. He had a couple Jameson's before skirting out

楼主:噢,我还忘了说,马布里也在场。 他喝了几杯Jameson(一种爱尔兰威士忌酒)然后离开了。

[–]Celticsvagrantwade 11 指標 3小時前 

I had a twitter convo with Marbury years ago and he talked about how when he played for the Celtics him and Pierce got a long great because hey had hung out previously. And said he is a big reason why him and Kevin are tight again.


[–]tight_butthole 39 指標 5小時前 

Pierce is hilarious, he's gonna be the guy at the end of the bar telling stories to anyone that listens.


[–]CavaliersBornAndBredBuckeye[S] 18 指標 4小時前 

Yeah he was just talking with 2 random dudes who worked at the bar


[–][GSW] Brian Cardinalbayareatrojan 193 指標 4小時前 

That's actually hilarious that man is a true Celtic and LeBron hater gotta love it

这太好笑了,皮尔斯是真正的凯尔特人和大詹黑,  我喜欢。

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