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送交者: 马科长 2017月07月02日07:08:43 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我火在获取一哥失败之后,立刻签了个P.J Tucker.马科长 于 2017-07-02 06:45:37

这是SB nation 火饭的对周琦的评价:

This is going to be fun

He is disciplined and dedicated

Posted by NiceshotHakeem on Jul 1, 2017 | 12:04 PM

He will be interesting to watch.

I’m excited to see, with the lack of roster depth presently, if he will still be in d-league for most of the year. My money is still on yes.

Posted by nicssin on Jul 1, 2017 | 12:09 PM

Yes but his D LEAGUE stint my by short

For the fact technically it’s his second year and he trained in Houston most of his rookie season. I think his learning curb will be similar to Capela. Olajuwon is still on board helping our bigs so we’ll see.

Posted by NiceshotHakeem on Jul 1, 2017 | 12:48 PM

Most likely a continuing back and forth.

This will be the 1st season of the new rule too where we will have 17 man roster and a couple players will get paid different amounts according to which league they are playing in on different nights. I would not expect Qi to be on one of those deals but somebody will

Posted by arnold p on Jul 1, 2017 | 12:54 PM

O ok

Posted by NiceshotHakeem on Jul 1, 2017 | 1:01 PM

He will play exactly zero minutes in the D League

You heard it here first! It’ll be the G League, then the NBA.

Posted by Mr. Boognish on Jul 1, 2017 | 4:41 PM

With some time I could see him becoming a poor man's Kristaps Porzingis

very similar build and skill set, though I think Zhou is even lighter than Kristaps was coming in.

Posted by MarkViGill on Jul 1, 2017 | 1:35 PM


Posted by Buckko on Jul 1, 2017 | 4:09 PM


Big with a 9’5" standing reach that can switch onto perimeter players, effectively, and hit perimeter shots? Potential unicorn.

Posted by KLP713 on Jul 1, 2017 | 5:34 PM

I don't see how he is anything except a stretch 5

He’ll get bullied by a few guys in the post and likely never becomes a great rebounder but can protect the rim by blocking/altering shots and pull opposing bigs out of the paint on offense. Isn’t that just what the Rockets need?

Posted by Orange88 on Jul 1, 2017 | 8:22 PM

He can be a great rebounder with his length,athleticism, and effort in today's nba

He’s more athletic than given credit for.

Posted by Buckko on Jul 1, 2017 | 10:18 PM

Not many players in the league today bullying anyone in the post

Posted by Michael 2k on Jul 2, 2017 | 3:28 AM

That's my thought.

It could be a long night against Memphis or New Orleans, but the real question is, can he punish them right back? Dragging Boogie or Zach Randolph out 30 feet and shooting over them anyway has a way of evening things out. That’s why I say – keep in mind what he CAN do. No one is going to ask him to take a board away from Charles Oakley.

15-20 good minutes a night would be great. I expect to see him early 2018. Well, a lot earlier if the Rockets have like 9 guys on the roster…

Posted by Xiane on Jul 2, 2017 | 4:37 AM

Needs to load up on protein and hit the weight room like a maniac

Posted by Doc Savage on Jul 1, 2017 | 5:15 PM

And how

Posted by comfort nuggets on Jul 1, 2017 | 5:53 PM

I have to disagree

Yao went from rail thin to 300 pounds and his feet could not carry the load. Durant might be the better model for him.

Posted by makinmajik on Jul 1, 2017 | 6:42 PM

He needs the protein shakes and weight room

just to catch up with Durant’s 240, I believe.

Posted by Orange88 on Jul 1, 2017 | 8:23 PM

He needs to bulk but he already claims to have made gains form his previous weight of 218...

so he definitely shouldn’t be hitting the weight room like a maniac. Dude needs to put on weight 15-25 pound in the next three years, so a more steady plan should be used.

You really, really don’t want your Bigs getting 250+ in this day and age. There is less of a need for strength and weight, and a definite need for speed and agility. Being above 250 not only hurts Bigs in those two key categories, it actually increases the likelihood of injury by quite a bit. Essentially Houston needs more of a Rudy Gobert type(started at 238 and is around 245) and less of a Embiid type(started at 240 and is 250). Embiid started real skinny, and all that rapid weight gain from 2011 to 2014/2015 likely contributed to his string of injuries.

Essentially I’ll be happy if Qi puts on 5-10 pounds from his current weight in a year, and worried of he puts on 15+ in the same period.

Posted by aceknighthigh on Jul 1, 2017 | 9:24 PM

Depends, everyone's best operative weight is different.

Embiid is 7’2, 275 and shoots 3s running off screens now.

Posted by Buckko on Jul 1, 2017 | 10:20 PM

I agree.

Qi looks muscular already, he just has a slender frame, like Durant. And is it important that he be bulky or that he be faster than almost anyone his size?

Posted by Xiane on Jul 2, 2017 | 4:47 AM

Some fun Zhou highlights

He’s not lacking in wow factor that’s for sure.

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