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最新消息- 甜瓜拒绝留在扭腰,内发出绝望的呻吟:我要去火箭!
送交者: 马科长 2017月07月19日11:53:04 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 马努吉诺比利继续自己伟大的传奇大理段家 于 2017-07-19 08:10:21

eport: Carmelo Anthony, uninterested in returning to Knicks, requests Rockets trade

Carmelo Anthony has endured one of the most tumultuous periods of his career due to everything that has gone on with the Knicks. His public sniping with former president, Phil Jackson, along with the team actively trying to force him out has led to a broken relationship. The two sides will not reach a buy out, and at this point there is only one team he will play for.

Anthony has a no-trade clause and the only team he will use that for are the Rockets. Houston acquired Chris Paul in a trade earlier in the offseason and they've been working on trying to acquire Anthony in order to compete with the Warriors out in the Western Conference. New York seemed ready to move Anthony, but it changed its tune after promoting Steve Mills and hiring Scott Perry. Now the team wants Anthony to return for another season, but Anthony appears ready to move on. Transcript from ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski via New York Post

According to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski during a SportsCenter appearance Tuesday morning, Anthony "has made it clear to [the Knicks]: I want to go to Houston, I am not interested in talking to you about being reincorporated back into this New York roster." 

Anthony doesn't want to be a part of the Knicks anymore and it's hard to blame him. The last season he's faced nothing but a front office that has openly opposed him in every way. Now, with new management, they want him to just come back and work with them like nothing happened. This is a relationship beyond repair and the Knicks need to move on from it

  杯具,身不由己的痛苦,谁能理解甜瓜? /无内容 - 马科长 07/19/17 (699)
    这叫啥痛苦 - Mayi 07/19/17 (721)
      现在是想去火箭去不了  /无内容 - 马科长 07/20/17 (624)
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