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Rockets did not like to move
送交者: rednose 2009月04月22日08:51:57 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 同学们振作点儿,我先扔块砖头icecold 于 2009-04-22 07:03:29
ball. So there was no chance to pass the ball to YM. Yesterday, AB and others always moved the ball to the oposite side of YM, hold the ball, and they expected YM to rebound ball for them. YM is not a good rebounder.
I decide that I would not watch their game in the first round.
I do not take care of who would win, but enjoy good play.
    they let him in. That is a - rednose 04/22/09 (191)
      火箭昨天对小罗还是不重视。应该包夹的  /无内容 - 剑锋 04/22/09 (141)
      其实每个人都有打顺手的时候,这时候就该犯规 - 剑锋 04/22/09 (102)
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