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Kobe may not be the best
送交者: rednose 2009月05月01日12:35:43 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 大周末的,还是讨论讨论火箭胡人的比赛吧老糊涂3 于 2009-05-01 10:04:41
Rockets guard Ron Artest said Wednesday that he considered Portland’s Brandon Roy the finest player he has faced.

Asked Thursday what makes Roy better than Kobe Bryant, LeBron James or Dwyane Wade, Artest went a different direction.

“I don’t know; that was yesterday,” Artest said. “This is a new day. I feel I’m the best, so this is a new day.

“He’s a good player. He might be better. I don’t know. I don’t know how to judge who’s better. It’s not like everyone was taken off their teams for a year and all the role players had to show what they got, so you don’t know who is as important to their team. There’s no secret he’s a good player.”

In an interview with TNT on Wednesday, Artest said: “Roy is probably the best player I’ve played against; to me he is the best shooting guard. Not on defense now, defense is kind of suspect. He’s the best player I’ve played against.”
    Just looking for evidences of - rednose 05/01/09 (137)
  记不清阿太当时说的是best还是toughest了 - 麻衣神道 05/01/09 (384)
    那家伙将来很难有人防得住 - Halibaba 05/01/09 (382)
        听黄木匠说, - Halibaba 05/01/09 (202)
    所以,跟湖人可能有好戏唱  /无内容 - rednose 05/01/09 (129)
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