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Let me ask you one question
送交者: ymfan 2009月05月10日09:32:55 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: NBA承认裁判失误,又能怎样呢?niumen 于 2009-05-09 21:26:20
If Anthony didn't make that 3 pointer, how would Cuban and Mavs fans react, how would George Karl and Nuggets fans think, and what would your guys say?

We don't know what the refs' intention. Maybe he really wished an intentional no call plus Anthony's miss would help Mavs win, who knows. If Anthony missed that shot, probably Nuggets fans would cry about the unfairness of NBA now.

The truth is, refs have made too many unfair calls which already hurt the image of NBA. We, as fans, just hope they can let the players decide win or loss on the court, not by themselves.
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    Hehe - ymfan 05/10/09 (75)
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