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wula wrote (from nba.com)
送交者: rednose 2008月07月31日11:42:41 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 挖個坑:姚明是個大嘴嗎?襪販 於 2008-07-31 08:02:11
wula wrote:
it is a great deal anyway for Rockets. Great/full of character & personality basket ball players are always treasures to a basketball club! If the coach, other players could not cope with this kind of great players, then they don't have that gut/ability/strength/courage to win a championship in NBA games. No worries should exist there, get full of use of this kind of great talented players, no matter you are a coach or player, if you can not bear/put up with this kind of great players, then you will be a faked great coach or player!!! This is the rule in this world, overcome difficulties and conquer challenging matters, then the bright/shining results will be at your hard-working hands. Go rockets! Win the championship of 2009!!!
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